Jason Pantana

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First-Video to Video-First. (Become the Agent-of-Choice!)

Today’s the day to go ALL-IN on producing video content 🎉

Candidly, Social Media may as well be called “Video Media.” Case in point, Adam Mosseri (Head of Instagram), recently stated that algorithmic priority will adjust to favor:

A. Creators (i.e., producers of engaging content; influencers)
B. Video (i.e., short or long runtimes, horizontal or vertical aspect ratios)

In other words: Creators using video will be algorithmically prioritized. Ergo, become a VIDEO CREATOR!

What’s more, TikTok has surpassed YouTube in terms of cumulative watch time 😲. To put that in context, people currently spend as much time streaming YouTube videos as they do surfing Netflix! So, like I said—it’s “VIDEO-MEDIA” through-and-through.

It all sounds easy and obvious, right? Welp, goodness knows, it isn’t. Video is (generally) high-effort to produce and it requires “getting over oneself”—e.g. insecurities, self-doubts, etc. What’s more, it takes iron-willed discipline to do it consistently. That said—if you have any intentions of growing your agent-brand through social—then it’s the only path forward.

Start a livestream show, over-index on short-form, vertical videos (e.g. Instagram Reels, YouTube Shorts, and TikToks), conduct home and/or neighborhood tours, interview business owners, or host a video podcast -- it’s your prerogative! The point is—starting now—make the choice to go from first video to video-first 👊