Jason Pantana

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How to Let Your CONTENT Sell for You

Canned posts 🥫 published for the purpose of checking a box won’t move the needle forward marketing-wise. Content for its own sake is, for all intents and purposes, meaningless.

On the other hand, when you’re willing to share your best professional advice by way of videos, blogs, emails, and more—you’re giving your audience genuine value. Nowadays especially, resolve to be the knowledge-broker.

I like how Jim Rohn put it: “Only by giving are you able to receive more than you already have.”

You’ve heard me say it before… When your content is contribution—every time you post to social, send an email, or publish a video that confers VALUE, in effect, you’re selling your services—only, nobody’s gonna call you salesy. Instead, they’ll just 📲 call you!