Jason Pantana

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How to Stop Over-Thinking Your Social Media Content (for Realtors and Entrepreneurs)

I love ❤️ this quote:

You wouldn’t worry so much about what others think of you if you realized how seldom they do. (Eleanor Roosevelt)

I’ll bet there’s a good chance you’re overthinking your social media content—worried over what others might think of you based on what you post (or don’t post). But the thing is, no one (aside from Internet trolls) is paying that close of attention, friends!

  • “I can’t make videos like that!—who do I think I am?”

  • “What if this post falls flat and doesn’t get any engagement?” 

  • “Will this make me look too ‘silly’ or too ‘salesy’?”

My advice:  STOP RIGHT NOW! It’s far better to over-index on content than to over-think it.

I’m not saying to behave like a robot 🤖 or act disingenuously on social, but, the fact is, you’re life isn’t lived on the inside an app. It doesn’t deserve that much mental space (IMO). Social media may be a representation of the “real you,” but it surely isn’t the genuine article.

Question:  if you weren’t overthinking your content, what would you post (or, perhaps, repost)⁉️ It’s go time, friends👊