Jason Pantana

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Stretch Yourself. Test Your Limits. Never Settle.

I was discussing “self-fulfilling beliefs” with one of my coaching clients this week and how if enough people start to believe a story and act on it, whether or not it was true or accurate at the start, it ultimately becomes reality. In context, we were talking about buyer’s markets and a seller’s markets and how, often times, a shift can occur due to popular beliefs that drive behavior as opposed to there being some technical or definitive explanation.

I’d argue that the same principle applies in pretty much every aspect of our lives, relationships, and careers. What we choose believe (true or not) will influence our actions—and, by the same token—our actions (or “inactions”) will produce outcomes. So here’s my thought: ignore any voice that tells you what you can’t have, what you could never achieve, or what would look foolish to even attempt. You’re alive now and in business today… so why not go for the most? Granted, that doesn’t mean you’ll get whatever you want so long as you “believe in yourself.” That’s absurd. All the same, if you don’t believe that something’s possible, then, naturally, your actions will align w/ that belief, thus guaranteeing you it’ll never happen. So, in conclusion: go for what you want :D