Jason Pantana

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Real Estate Postcard Marketing Idea: “Thumb-Mailers”

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Postcard 📪 marketing most definitely has its benefits. In fact, when compared to digital campaigns, postcard campaigns reportedly require less brain-power to mentally process, they’re quantifiably more memorable, and, what’s more, they hold attention spans for longer. That said, print campaigns tend to cost more than digital alternatives. Bottom line—the point I’m trying to make—is that postcards have a place in your marketing mix.

According to UK ad-agency, JICMAIL—when primed by physical mail—people spend 30% longer viewing the sender-business’s content online. In practical application, that means folks scanned the QR-code on the postage and then spent longer on whatever web-page or video the QR-code opened.

So let’s assume you’re sending out mailers regularly to a defined geographic farm, to your database of personal contacts, or to the neighbors around your listings? Perhaps, from time-to-time, you oughta slip in what we’ve dubbed a “Thumb-Mailer.”

Basically, you’d take the thumbnail image that corresponds with a video you’ve presumably posted on YouTube, Facebook or wherever, and you’d make that image the front side of your postcard 🤯 Slap a QR-code on it that links🔗 to your video and enjoy the perks of folks watching said video for an average of 30% longer 📈. That’ll make the algorithms happy with you 😎

And one more point to mention… By using the postcard AND the video together, it’ll trigger a bit of multichannel magic✨— meaning, it’ll make a more memorable and meaningful impression with your audience.