Jason Pantana

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Video Marketing Mindset for 2022 (for Realtors and Entrepreneurs)

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In Seth Godin’s new book, The Practice, (which was just released) he talks about refining/learning your skills by showing up consistently to do the work. When it comes to video marketing, for instance, (or any other craft)—practice makes progress (not perfection).

I don’t think need to convince you of the benefits of video marketing with a list of compelling stats or anything. You already know them! That being said, there are far too many real estate pros and business owners who have yet to realize those benefits. The reasons are:

  1. Avoidance. For one reason or another, they simply haven’t started.

  2. They’re “dabblers.” They’ll make a video here-or-there but there’s no real plan/strategy.

  3. They’re perfectionists—and it’s repressive. For instance, they’ll go film videos, dislike the results, and then trash the files.

With most disciplines, though, you can practice “the thing” all your life—however, until you actually do “the thing,” the practice will only ever get you so far. Video is like that; it’s an iterative process. You can watch-back your own tapes, for instance, but until you actually post them and elicit real feedback, you’re potential for growth and advancement will be severely limited.

For example, Glennda Baker just launched a new video series this week, dubbed, “Realtor Reacts.” (Sidebar:  it’s hilarious 😂) She shared with me, though, that her videographer told her—just before posting the video—that had she attempted the same video a year ago, she probably wouldn’t have been able to pull it off (at least not to the same degree). However, because she’s been in “the practice” of filming and publishing videos like a champ, her skills have matured (big-time!). Glennda said:  PRACTICE PRODUCES PROFICIENCY.

Bottom line—keep doing the work—over and again. If you’re displeased with your last video, don’t waste it—instead, post it and put that desire/energy to correct and refine into the next video. As you continue to, quote-unquote, “feed” the platforms (Insta, TikTok, YouTube, et al.) more and more content, their algorithms will learn who you are, and, by extension, who you’re for. It’s like Tom Ferry says:  “Your vibe attracts your tribe.”

And remember:  the RESULTS are in the REPETITION.