Why Are You Creating Video? Cut through the noise, reset your purposes, and build your brand.
Every video you post either enhances or erodes your brand. No exceptions.
No doubt, you've been bombarded with the importance of leveraging video, and rightfully so. But ask yourself: Are you creating videos aimlessly, or are they a strategic means to achieve specific goals?
For example:
Video cultivates an unparalleled sense of know, like, and trust, unmatched by any other communication channel.
Video fosters an instant connection, forging affinity and building trust effortlessly with strangers who find you online or look you up on social.
Video enjoys preferential treatment in algorithms and social media platforms due to its widespread popularity, granting it broader reach and increasing the likelihood of your content being seen by a larger audience.
In the face of overwhelming demands from platforms to produce more content and create a seemingly endless stream of videos, it's crucial to remember the purpose behind your efforts.
Avoid getting caught in the trap of mindlessly producing content without considering how each video contributes to your goals and objectives.