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Don't Be a Half-Marketer: Why building a strong brand is crucial for generating and converting leads

I've always believed that the purpose of marketing boils down to two key objectives: building brand awareness and generating leads.

The former is all about getting your brand in front of as many eyeballs as possible, whether that means attracting attention, generating consideration, or any number of similar outcomes. The latter is about turning that attention into concrete actions:  form-fills, inquiries, sign-ups, and so on.

The question is, is there any set order to it?—that is, are you supposed to build a brand that attracts leads OR run campaigns to lead generate and then brand to nurture?

The obvious answer is:  YES! Now, I’m being a slightly tongue-in-cheek… But the point is, It’s not the order of objectives that matters; it’s the fulfillment of both. Too many businesses are only “half marketing," leaving opportunity on the table. Don't let your business fall into that trap.

Building a brand without a plan to generate leads and drive actions is like growing grapes only to let them wither away on the vine. Don't let your hard work go to waste. Conversely, focusing solely on lead generation without investing in building a strong brand can be like plucking grapes off the vine before they've ripened. To those leads, you're just another unknown entity vying for their attention. It’s far more difficult to convert unripened leads, if you catch my meaning.

What I’m getting at is… brand-building and lead-generation are like interlocking gears … one spins the other and so on. Are you effectively doing both or are you only “half marketing?”

(Photos by the extraordinarily talented Idris Erba during the 2023 Tom Ferry Elite+ Retreat.)

Why You Should be Focusing on Customer Experience Throughout Your Business

(Photo 📸 courtesy of @followupboss from their epic FUBCON event earlier this month.)

Customer experience isn’t one BIG thing you do especially well; it’s all the little things added up.

From listing to close, search to sale — the differentiation of your services is in the details. Especially now, as the market’s adjusted.

Days-on-market is up, conversations with buyers and sellers are more-and-more complex, and the competition is intense.

My advice:  get super clear and granular about your customer experience. Do that, and it’ll radiate into EVERYTHING else you do:  your marketing efforts, your prospecting conversations, and all through your business — you’ll become known it.