Recommit to the Consumer

Social media, in general, has a few different methods and means of producing leads/inquiries:

  1. Inbound Organic: prospective clients, quote-unquote, “discover” your content by way of the Explore Page, hashtags, search, or by some other mechanism. You’ll get DMs like: “We watch all your videos and are thinking about moving to the area — are you working with new buyer clients right now?

  2. Database Nurturing: past clients and sphere of influence contacts see your content, and, in the same way, for instance, a weekly email newsletter confers value and positions you as the agent-of-choice, so it goes with your social media posts. The end result is more repeat/referral business.

  3. Agent-to-Agent: real estate peers engage with and, sometimes, emulate your content—which builds your thought-leadership and influence w/in the industry. As those peers encounter clientele moving to-and-from your marketplace, they set you up with a referral.

    Agent-to-agent referrals are certainly a big chunk of the deals arising out of social media. Thusly, I’ve noticed a tendency amongst many agents—because the lion’s share of their followers or engagement consists of agents, perhaps—to pivot their content from consumer-facing to agent-facing. Surely that’ll generate even more agent-to-agent referrals, right? To the contrary, I’m afraid.

    IMO, agents and consumers alike are both naturally drawn to the influence of experts. So be the expert -- be the knowledge broker.