Thriving in Tough Markets: Avoiding Safe Marketing

In a tough market, it seems like everyone's instinct is to play it safe, right?

But then there's this nugget from Seth Godin that really makes you think: “The riskiest thing you can do is play it safe.”

In a challenging market, like this one, it's not about cutting back or pausing your marketing. It's about amplifying and optimizing the marketing you're already doing. More and better videos, postcards, ads, and emails. Because if you're hesitating or holding off, you're missing out.

Think of it like buying stocks in a bear market. When you invest in earning "mindshare" during a downturn, you're essentially securing a greater share of the market while others are holding back. And just like stocks, as the market grows and expands, your mindshare compounds into market share. Today's effort is tomorrow's edge.

So, don't let a tough market hold you back. Embrace the challenge, and take it as an opportunity to shine.