Brand like you've been in business for 20+ years!

Several years ago a couple of my cousins launched a successful roofing franchise in my hometown. At the outset, they were told to brand like they’d been there for 20 years. So they invested in signage, postcards, TV/radio, wrapped vehicles, and more. They absolutely went ALL-IN and it flippin’ worked—they took the market by storm!

Now, I’m not advising you should go and max out your credit cards for the sake of billboards or car-wrapping your Corolla 🚗 (Not that they did.) My point is:  GET THE WORD OUT!

“Oh, you’re that agent—I see you everywhere!” That’s the magic✨phrase! — it means you’re on the consideration set of buyers and sellers in your marketplace.

My Advice:

  • Explore just about EVERY advertising product Google offers:  display network, search, local, YouTube, and more!

  • Over-index on social:  Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. (And pay-to-promote 📣 your content locally.)

  • Go VIDEO-FIRST! Short-form to long-form, low-grade to pro-grade—just make videos!

  • Start list-building and redouble your email-marketing efforts.

  • Commence operation “Love ❤️ on Your Database!” — i.e., past clients, sphere of influence, leads, et al. (And have a serious look at your “gifting” strategy!)

  • Embrace physical marketing:  mailers, signage, and more.

  • Re-invest in your event(s) action-plan:  client get-togethers, neighborhood block-parties, open houses, and more.

Whether you’re road-tested or a rookie, in a city or the burbs:  be a BIG FISH 🐋 no matter the size of the pond & brand like you own the place!

Remember:  the market belongs to those who market!