Don’t Put All Your “Lead Generation” Eggs in One Basket (for REALTORS)

Don’t put all your “lead generation” eggs in one basket. What’s more, don’t go chasing the next and newest shiny penny.

We know that 87% of RE agents fail (as in, they go out of business🫤) in their first TWO years! That’s downright alarming.

I’d argue one of the top reasons for it centers around the tendency of many agents to, quote-unquote, dabble. Try this, try that, and then try this next thing—never sticking with any one thing long enough to realize its results. 

The truth is, EVERY lead source works – when it’s worked consistently 🔂. Maybe it’s open houses, online leads, email marketing, geographic farming, social media, or database nurturing—you name it, it works!

So… my advice is is twofold:  

  1. Don’t be so fair-weather with your lead sources that you’re jumping from one to the next prematurely.

  2. Mix up your approach—i.e. diversify what you’re doing. Top producers ALWAYS generate business from multiple sources.