
Strategic Pricing: Attracting and Retaining Homebuyers

Effective marketing is only as good as the price it promotes.

A property is never more valuable to a buyer than on the day it’s listed, spurred by the urgency to act quickly for fear of losing out. However, as days turn into weeks, that urgency fades—and so does the property’s perceived value.

Across the country, days on market are rising and, as expected, so are price reductions. Price reductions serve as a correction to initial overpricing (usually), aiming to bait interest and rekindle competition. However, they often shift power to the buyer, signaling a reactive rather than proactive strategy.

For instance, a home valued at $1.5M was listed at $1.7M, sat on the market, and had its price reduced by $100K. It eventually got an offer for $1.3M, and the seller had to negotiate up to $1.4M. Had it been priced to sell from the start—luring competing parties—the seller’s outcome might’ve been different.

Effective marketing is only as good as the price it promotes.

Be the First Call: How to Become the Go-To Agent for Sellers

It’s startling but true: 81% of recent sellers contacted only one agent before making their decisions (NAR). The way I see it, this statistics underscores the critical importance of being the FIRST agent sellers think of.

This means building a strong, recognizable brand, maintaining a visible presence in your community, and continuously engaging with potential clients long before they decide to sell.

Timing and Pricing: Key Strategies for Selling Properties Quickly

What’s your take? How are you approaching and advising your sellers on pricing in today’s market?

The way I see it, a property is never more valuable to a buyer than on the day it’s listed—spurred by the buyer’s instinct to act quickly for fear of losing out to someone else. However, as days turn into weeks, the urgency fades—and, consequently, so does the property's perceived value.

What’s more, a property attracts the most attention on the day it's listed because popular search platforms prioritize new listings. As the listing ages, however, both visibility and buyer interest inevitably decline.

Strategic Visibility: Adapting Your Content for Social Media's Search-Driven Future

Navigating the changing landscape of social media means adapting how your content gets found. With platforms like TikTok pushing forward with features like search widgets, it's clear: being searchable is as crucial as being shareable.


  • Integrate keywords relevant to your business and its location in your captions, transcripts, and bio.

  • Focus on crafting content that speaks directly to your target audience. This ensures algorithms understand who will find your posts most valuable.

By honing your content to align with what your ideal customers are searching for, you're not just casting a wide net—you're ensuring that the algorithms work in your favor, guiding your posts to those who will find them most relevant and engaging.

Crafting CTAs: Meeting Customers Where They Are

When crafting calls-to-action (CTAs), the instinct might be to prioritize what we, as business owners or marketers, want from our audience. However, this approach overlooks the fundamental principle of effective marketing: meeting customers where they are.

The most impactful CTAs are those that resonate with the customer's existing desires and needs. So consider the following:

  1. Interest-Alignment: Match your CTA with what your audience genuinely cares about. It's about tapping into their actual interests, needs, fears, and/or motivations.

  2. Next-Steps: Aim for the immediate next action, not the grand finale, per se. In other words, think first downs, not just touchdowns.

  3. Future-Pacing: Highlight the immediate benefit and/or hint at the long-term payoff. Show them the value today and tomorrow.

The logic’s pretty straightforward: Guide customers towards actions they're already inclined to take, making the decision to act feel natural and self-motivated.

The Power of Repetition: Why Your Content Deserves a Second Look

Ever wonder why kids can watch the same episode of a show over and over? Research has revealed that with each viewing, the kids notice something new, absorb additional details, and deepen their understanding. It's a fascinating insight into how repetition can be powerful.

Try thinking about your content in the same light. Just like those episodes, every time you repost your content, you're giving your audience a chance to catch what they missed—to connect the dots they didn't see the first time.

Moreover, the reality is that the majority of your followers probably didn't see your post initially. On average, any given post only reaches less than 10% of your audience. This means the fear of “everyone’s already seen it” is mostly unfounded. And for those who have? They might be like those kids, absorbing new details with each viewing.

Take my top-performing Reel as a case in point. When I reposted it, it gained significantly more traction than the original post. Granted, that might’ve been due to a variety of factors – better timing, changes in the algorithm, increased follower engagement, or simply the power of repetition. But regardless, it underscores the potential benefits of giving your content multiple chances to connect with your audience.

Harnessing Momentum: Transforming Opportunities into Real Estate Wins

As the real estate market responds to the latest rate decreases, this January ushers in more than just a new year; it brings a strategic window of opportunity. Your actions now could define your success in the coming months.

This isn't just a fleeting opportunity; it's a tactical advantage.

Imagine the impact on your business if you lean into this moment – reaching out, connecting, and marketing with everything you've got. Consider the potential: an extra handful of deals closed in this first quarter.

The key isn't just hard work; it's smart, focused action. Now’s the time to harness this momentum. Don't just witness the change, leverage it! Your next few deals are waiting for you, and they're closer than you think.

Navigating 2024: Embracing Daily Excellence Over Trendy Tricks

Aristotle said, “We are what we repeatedly do.” Excellence, after all, isn't a one-time thing, it's a daily habit 🔂

So remember, amidst all the shortcuts, hacks, and trendy tricks, that the real magic happens in mastering the mundane. It's not about the sporadic efforts or the been-there-done-thats. The results are in the repetition!

So my advice: don’t be a dabbler! It's those who delve deeply and consistently into their craft who truly stand out. Give your all to every step and you’ll go the distance. 

Question: Are your daily routines reinforcing your business pillars, or are you getting lost in the noise?

Stop Overlooking Your Sphere: Why it's time to treat your "contacts" like "clients"

Ask yourself: when real estate shifts or rates drop, who hears it from you first? Just your active clients, or does your entire database get the news?

Too many agents just “touch base” with their personal contacts (friends, family, past clients, et al.), maintaining only a minimal connection. Imagine the untapped potential lying dormant.

You may think your contacts aren't in the market and prefer not to be bothered. Yet, with the right information, their perspective could change. They could become buyers, sellers, investors, or even referrers.

Remember, informed choices require information—and it's your job to provide it. What’s more, if you're not nurturing your database, who is?

Building Business Relationships During the Holiday Season: 11 Strategies for Success

This time of year isn't just about festivities; it's a prime opportunity to deepen relationships and strategically position your business for future growth. By engaging meaningfully with your clients/contacts now, you're setting the stage for a prosperous and collaborative new year.

  1. Calls: A simple voice call to show you’re there and care.

  2. Text Messages: Dropping a text just to check-in keeps you connected.

  3. Video Messages: Personalized video greetings are a modern, engaging way to reach out.

  4. Emails: Send out updates, holiday wishes, or end-of-year summaries to stay in touch.

  5. Handwritten Notes: Add a personal touch that stands out in today's digital world.

  6. Letters: Longer, thoughtful letters can express gratitude and recap the year.

  7. Holiday Cards: Season’s greetings add a festive touch to your professional relationships.

  8. Parties: Inviting clients to holiday events fosters community and camaraderie.

  9. Events: Host or sponsor events that provide value and networking opportunities.

  10. Gifts: Thoughtful gifts can show appreciation and strengthen bonds.

  11. Charitable Causes: Sharing or supporting causes dear to your clients shows you care beyond business.

By incorporating these meaningful gestures, you not only show appreciation but also position your business for continued growth and success in the coming year. Happy holidays and best wishes for a prosperous 2024!

Connecting Beyond Content: Creating an Instagram Bio That Speaks to Your Customers

The way I see it:

  1. Reels reign as Instagram's dominant posting format.

  2. Generally speaking, more non-followers see your Reels than followers.

  3. Instagram algorithmically rewards profile taps—meaning that the more non-followers who view your Reels and then click on your profile, the better.

  4. Anyone visiting your profile—whether via your latest Reel or through a search-based discovery—is “trying you on for size.”

  5. All the elements of your profile matter: your profile image, name/description, story highlights, your grid, pinned posts, and, of course, your BIO!

By sculpting a bio that resonates with your audience, you're not just introducing yourself – you're building a bridge between your content and them. So, go ahead, leverage Reels, fine-tune your profile, and let your bio become the gateway to forging meaningful connections on Instagram.

How to Achieve Listing Success: The Social Media Advantage in Real Estate

Ever wondered what sellers truly look for in a listing agent? According to a recent survey by @1000watt_agency, social media marketing has emerged as the most valued method for listing promotion. It even outshines popular platforms like Zillow or the MLS by a significant margin.

So here are a few important questions to reflect on:

  1. Showcasing Your Expertise: Are you effectively showcasing your social media content in a way that captures the attention of prospective sellers scrolling through their feeds? Your online presence could be a key differentiator in attracting new clients.

  2. Crafting a Winning Presentation: Does your listing presentation highlight your social media strategy prominently enough? In a competitive market, having a thorough plan for promoting listings on social media can set you apart from competitors.

  3. Beyond the Basics: How creatively are you highlighting your listings on social media? Move beyond the conventional "just listed" posts and explore innovative ways to showcase properties. Engaging content can captivate your audience and make your listings stand out.

Now, it's time to unleash your creativity and position yourself as a forward-thinking, tech-savvy professional, ready to meet the evolving needs of today’s sellers.

From Leads to Loyalty: How to Become the Go-To Real Estate Agent in Your Market

Capturing market-share is more than a numbers game; it's about winning hearts and minds.

Think about it: most real estate business is the product of repeat and/or referral. Are you memorable enough to be the first name they think of?

Trust, likability, and recognition are your pillars.

  • Trust is earned with every exceeded expectation.

  • Likability is shared with every genuine interaction.

  • Recognition is built with consistent, authentic presence in your community.

Don't just chase leads; cultivate relationships. Be the agent who's there not just for the sale, but for the journey. Your brand isn't a sprint for today's leads; it's a marathon towards lifelong clients.

Invest in your brand, nurture your network, and watch as your market-share grows. It's not just about being seen; it's about being remembered. Make sure you're the agent that comes to mind when it's time to make a move.

Your brand is your legacy—build it with intention.

Marketing: The Long-Term Investment in Real Estate Success

In the fast-paced world of real estate, it's no secret that success is often equated with quick results and instant gratification. We all hope for that one magical marketing campaign that will bring in a flood of eager buyers or sellers, ready to make a deal. But in reality, the journey to real estate success is more of a marathon than a sprint. Marketing, in particular, is a long-term investment that matures over time, and its true benefits are often realized after consistent effort and perseverance.

The Myth of Instant Success:

Yes, there's always a chance that a single marketing video might strike a chord with a viewer, prompting them to take action immediately. Likewise, a well-timed email can certainly get buyers or sellers to jump into action.

But let's be honest, these instances of instant success are the exception, not the rule. Relying on such rare moments to sustain your real estate business is like hoping for lightning to strike twice in the same place.

The Power of Consistency:

In real estate, just as in any other business, consistent effort yields the most fruitful results. Marketing, in all its forms, works best when it becomes a part of your daily routine. It's not about hitting the bullseye every time; it's about consistently throwing darts at the target. Over time, these efforts accumulate and create a lasting impact on your real estate career.

One of the biggest pitfalls for many real estate agents is quitting marketing efforts prematurely. In a world where we're used to instant gratification, it's easy to become discouraged when marketing campaigns don't immediately translate into a flood of clients. This impatience can lead many agents to abandon their marketing strategies altogether. In the moments when you feel like quitting, that is when it is most to maintain consistency which will eventually result in success.

The Bottom Line

The key to realizing the full potential of marketing in the real estate industry is to lean in and never stop pushing forward. As we gear up for 2024, it's essential to decide on the marketing activities you'll commit to, come hell or high water. Understand that the benefits of your efforts may not be visible immediately, but they are building a foundation for your future success.

How to Target Consumers Looking for “Real Estate Agents” with Google & YouTube Ads

You’ve heard me talk ad nauseam about optimizing your Google Business Profile to rank in Google’s “Map Pack,” a search results section that features the top three businesses optimized for that search. Phrases like “Best Realtor in ____” routinely trigger the Map Pack.

You’ve also heard me talk about how buyers characteristically search for homes, whereas sellers are far more likely to look for the top agent in the marketplace.

You’ve even heard me say that for 85 times web browsers search, “Coffee near me,” 5 folks search, “Realtor near me.” That all spells:  o-p-p-o-r-t-u-n-i-t-y.

Well, get this: Google unveiled a new audience segment in its advertising portal, dubbed “Real Estate Agents” whereby advertisers like you can now opt to target the types of folks running searches like “Best Realtor in ____.”

That said… Looking at the fine print, most of this audience is actively seeking a real estate agent. There's a small subset interested in real estate careers, likely people wanting to join the profession. Despite this, targeting the whole audience is still a smart move.

In terms of the types of ads that’ll stand-out best, I’d opt for YouTube in-stream ads, the commercials that play before, during, and after videos on YouTube, and Google Display Network ads, the square-shaped, tall-and-skinny, header/footer, and pop-up styled banner ads that appear across the web and in various apps.

Be top of mind when it matters most! Here’s how to run these ads:

  • Navigate to to open up Google Ads.

  • Make sure you're in "Expert Mode" which allows for a full range of customization and advanced settings.

  • Initiate a new campaign.

  • Select your campaign's objective and decide on the type of ad (such as Video or Display).

  • Determine your bid, set the start and end dates, and fill in other basic details for your campaign.

  • Specify a geographic boundary where your ads will be eligible to run.

  • Under Audience Segments, locate "Search," then look for "Real Estate Agents." Select this option and continue building your ad campaign.

Navigating the Ever-Changing Instagram Algorithm: Quality vs. Quantity

In the fast-paced world of social media, where our thoughts and experiences are shared with friends and followers at the speed of a click, it's easy to forget that the life expectancy of an Instagram post is only 24 hours. That means, within a single day, your carefully crafted content will reach only a fraction of your followers. It's a harsh reality that has left many wondering: what's the game plan?

The answer lies in understanding and adapting to the constantly evolving algorithms that govern our favorite photo-sharing platform. While Instagram's algorithms may change, your approach can change too. The key? Recognizing that quality and quantity are not mutually exclusive.

The Ever-Shifting Instagram Algorithm

To navigate Instagram successfully, you need to keep up with its ever-changing algorithm. In recent years, Instagram has shifted from a chronological feed to a more personalized experience based on user behavior. This change has left many users feeling frustrated as their content struggles to gain visibility.

Engagement, timing, and relevance now play a pivotal role in determining how well your posts perform. Instagram aims to show users the content they are most likely to engage with, so understanding these factors is crucial.

The Quantity Dilemma

In the race to keep up with the algorithm, some users have opted for a quantity-over-quality approach. They flood their followers' feeds with a constant stream of content, hoping that something will stick. While this strategy can boost your chances of showing up in someone's feed, it may not necessarily lead to meaningful engagement.

The Quality Advantage

On the flip side, focusing on quality can make your content more shareable, memorable, and ultimately, more engaging. High-quality content tends to resonate with your audience on a deeper level, leading to more comments, likes, and shares.

Quality content doesn't mean every post has to be a masterpiece. It means that you should put thought and effort into what you share. Captivating captions, high-quality visuals, and meaningful topic can make all the difference.

Finding the Balance

So, what's the right approach? Is it quality or quantity?

The answer is a blend of both. Striking a balance between the two is the key to Instagram success. You can't expect your followers to stay engaged if you post sporadically, nor can you spam them with low-quality content and expect loyalty.

Instead, aim to create a consistent posting schedule that allows you to maintain quality. Plan your content ahead, ensuring it's relevant to your audience, and always take the time to engage with your followers. Respond to comments, answer questions, and build a community around your content.

The Bottom Line

In the ever-evolving world of Instagram, your game plan should focus on adapting to the changes while staying true to your brand. Quality content will always shine through, but quantity also has its place in maintaining visibility.

Remember, Instagram is a platform where creativity and authenticity can thrive. Embrace both quality and quantity, engage with your audience, and keep up with the algorithm changes. With the right approach, you can make Instagram a platform that works for you and your followers, turning fleeting moments into lasting connections.

The Art of Being Market-Proof: A Lesson from a Successful Agent

I was at an event last week, chatting with an exceptionally successful agent. "You must've had a good year," I commented. He gave a knowing smile and a nod. The secret? He never stops marketing.

Fast markets or slow, strong markets or weak——no matter the market, he’s marketing!

"Crisis marketing," i.e., ramping up only when business stalls, won't sustain growth. It’s tactics, not strategy.

The agents who are truly "market-proof," like the one I chatted with, market continuously and strategically, better insulating themselves from market ups and downs.

The benefits of building your brand are big. For example:

  • A recognized brand amps up your lead generation and conversion.

  • A strong brand fuels your recruiting and retention efforts.

So, what steps are you taking to ensure your brand never backs down?

ChatGPT Beyond Text: Deep-Dive into ChatGPT’s Advanced Features

You've likely turned to ChatGPT for crafting blog posts, social media captions, or other written content. It excels at that, no question. But did you know it's also packed with features that go well beyond the realm of just text generation?

Today, I’m diving into six functionalities of ChatGPT that you probably didn't know existed but are sure to transform how you operate your business.

1. Handling multiple file types (all at once):

First up, ChatGPT can manage multiple file types—such as documents, spreadsheets, and more—all at the same time. This feature is useful for those who want to analyze the relationships between different types of files. Upload a document and a spreadsheet, and ChatGPT will analyze both, providing insights you might have otherwise missed.

Additionally, the "Advanced Data Analysis" feature, formerly known as the "Code Interpreter," supports both uploading and downloading of files. For instance, you could upload a spreadsheet, have ChatGPT edit it, and then download the revised version. This feature is compatible with a wide range of file types, including documents, spreadsheets, videos, images, and PDFs.

2. Converting and encoding media files: e.g. MP4 to MOV:

Next up is the ability to convert your image or video files. Ever had a moment where a crucial video wouldn't play because the format was incompatible? With ChatGPT, you can easily convert an MP4 video to MOV, ensuring smooth playback and wider compatibility.

3. Export your chats to downloadable files:

Most users simply copy and paste the text from ChatGPT into their preferred applications and/or document editors. But there's a more efficient way. ChatGPT enables you to export your chat outputs directly into various formats, such as PDFs and document files.

This comes in handy when you've used ChatGPT for specific tasks like article writing. Instead of manual copy-pasting, you can prompt ChatGPT to export your finished article into the format that best fits your needs, whether that's a PDF for seamless sharing or a DOC for additional edits.

4. Video transcription:

One lesser-known feature of ChatGPT is its ability to transcribe videos. Not only can it handle a single video, but it can also manage multiple uploads, generating transcripts for each simultaneously.

These transcripts can then be exported directly to a .doc file, simplifying the process of incorporating this content into your ongoing projects.

5. Publishing your chats on the web:

ChatGPT enables you to publish your chats via a static link. Perfect for collaborative projects or sharing insights with your audience, this feature ensures that your valuable conversations are easily accessible.

Additionally, you can keep editing and adding to the chat thread on your side, and these changes won't affect what's visible on the published static link. This allows you to privately develop your discussions while keeping the public record of the conversation intact.

6. Set custom conversation presets for consistent/streamlined chats:

One more feature worth noting is ChatGPT's option to set custom conversation presets. This lets you set default chat settings that match the tasks or projects you frequently tackle with the tool.

If you're regularly using ChatGPT for recurring tasks like email drafts or content creation, custom presets help you get right to work, skipping the initial setup each time.

ChatGPT does more than just generate text. It can manage multiple file types at once, transcribe multiple videos, and even let you publish your chats through a static link. It offers a range of features that can simplify various aspects of your business.

Be the Tide That Lifts All Boats: The Secret to Thriving in Real Estate

In the hustle and bustle of real estate—between the showings, the handshakes, and the never-ending deadlines—it's easy to lose sight of what truly matters.

You're not just selling properties; you're selling a dream and a future, all made possible through your expertise.

But what if I told you that the key to your success lies not in how well you sell, but in how well you help others achieve their dreams?

Three Pillars to Elevate Your Real Estate Business

1. Understand What You're REALLY Selling

You're not just selling houses; you're selling an experience, a lifestyle, and a future. Your expertise is your product, and how you convey it—through your personality, your marketing strategies, and your customer service—makes all the difference.

So, ask yourself, "What do I sell?" Hint: it's more than just real estate. It's the value, trust, and expertise you bring to every transaction.

2. Build Relationships, Not Just Transactions

Real estate is a relationship business. It's built on trust, rapport, and the ability to understand your client's needs. When you focus on building relationships, the transactions will naturally follow. You'll find that your clients not only come back to you but also become your biggest advocates.

3. Be the Tide That Lifts All Boats

Zig Ziglar once said, "You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want."

This is the cornerstone of a successful real estate business. When you focus on helping your clients achieve their dreams, you're not just closing a deal; you're opening a door to endless possibilities—for them and for you.

Your success becomes a byproduct of your clients' success.

So, who's with me? Be the tide that lifts all boats, and watch your own ship rise. You'll find that success in real estate isn’t just about making sales; it's about making a difference. And that, my friends, is how you build a business that not only survives but thrives.