The Art of Being Market-Proof: A Lesson from a Successful Agent

I was at an event last week, chatting with an exceptionally successful agent. "You must've had a good year," I commented. He gave a knowing smile and a nod. The secret? He never stops marketing.

Fast markets or slow, strong markets or weak——no matter the market, he’s marketing!

"Crisis marketing," i.e., ramping up only when business stalls, won't sustain growth. It’s tactics, not strategy.

The agents who are truly "market-proof," like the one I chatted with, market continuously and strategically, better insulating themselves from market ups and downs.

The benefits of building your brand are big. For example:

  • A recognized brand amps up your lead generation and conversion.

  • A strong brand fuels your recruiting and retention efforts.

So, what steps are you taking to ensure your brand never backs down?