The Rise of AI-Generated Content on Social Media: What It Means for Content Creators

BIG NEWS → Major social networks are turning to AI-generated content to keep users engaged. LinkedIn, for example, is beginning to use AI-powered “conversation starters” to provoke discussion among its users, while Snap has launched its own chatbot, and Meta is working on AI personas. LinkedIn calls its new feature, “AI-powered conversation starters.”

This move could herald the start of a wider revolution for the web, with companies increasingly using generative AI to create endless spools of content. As social media sites have all the user data they need to train these systems, the potential for AI-generated content is vast.

This could be the start of semiautomated social networks. Up until now, social platforms have relied on user-generated content to fill the feeds.

As a content creator, how do you feel about this new development? Are you ready for a new era of AI-generated content on social media possibly undercutting your efforts to reach YOUR prospective customers on major platforms?