Green Screens

Social Media vs. Search: Generational Shifts in Online Discovery

Has social media surpassed Google for online searches, particularly those with business intent? The answer varies by age, but the bigger factor is understanding how customers are most likely to discover your product or service.

According to a recent Forbes study, there’s a notable preference for social media searches over Google among younger generations:

  • Gen Z: 46%

  • Millennials: 35%

  • Gen X: 18%

  • Boomers: 7%

If you dig into the nuances of the study, you’ll see that the uptick in social searches is particularly strong for topics like gift ideas, interior design, fashion, and cars. In other words, searches that may have more to do with exploring possibilities versus seeking something specific. So, while age is a factor, it really all boils down to intent. As a sidebar, Pinterest should have excelled in these areas but (IMO) missed the mark, probably due primarily to their lack of emphasis on video. But anyways...

The key takeaway is that while age is a factor, the real focus should be on the intent behind the search and how customers logically discover your product or service.

Protecting Your Privacy on ChatGPT: A Quick Guide

If you're using ChatGPT, it's important to know that by default, your conversations may be used to train future models. This includes any sensitive information and proprietary data you share, whether in text or voice form. If you're uncomfortable with this, you can easily disable this feature.

How to Turn Off Data Sharing:

  1. Log into your ChatGPT account.

  2. Tap on your profile picture.

  3. Choose Settings.

  4. Select Data Controls.

  5. Toggle the data sharing option off.

Taking this step will ensure your data remains private and acts as a safeguard for your sensitive information within ChatGPT.

More than 50% of Instagram Content is AI Recommended: How to make it work for you

Over HALF the content on Instagram is now AI recommended, which poses a challenge—your posts might not reach your followers as effectively as you'd assume. But it also means you have a unique opportunity: craft content that speaks directly to your ideal audience.

Insta’s AI-powered algorithm curates posts based on a user’s interests, using patterns from their interactions and consumption habits. If your followers are a mix of friends, family, leads, and contacts with diverse interests, your posts might get less visibility because of this algorithmic shift.

However, over time, focused content will attract your ideal audience—and, since their interests align with your content, they’ll keep seeing your posts. This is why it's crucial to create content tailored to your target market.

Additionally, using other channels like email newsletters ensures you stay in front of your followers, given that your repeat-reach on IG may be diminished.

My advice: Begin with the end in mind! Create hyperlocal posts that resonate with potential sellers, and watch as Instagram’s AI helps you reach them. Think about your target audience and make content that they'll love and value. By aligning your content with their interests, you're effectively choosing who sees your posts.

Unlocking the Buyer's Journey: Exploring the Value Proposition of Buyer's Agents

I've been referencing a recent study by 1000watt in several of my posts lately, outlining the various aspects of a buyer's agent's value. It's more complex than you might think—more than scheduling property showings or negotiating for a better price, for instance. According to the report, buyers are looking for experts who can help them navigate the market and make the best choices possible.

So, when Roland Osage tours properties like these, any buyer watching can easily imagine what it’d be like to have him guiding them, helping them explore their options as they search for their ideal home.

By implementing this technique of understanding and effectively communicating your value proposition as a buyer's agent through storytelling, you will not only differentiate yourself in the market but also build lasting relationships with clients that stand the test of time.

The Decline of Google's Map Pack: What It Means for Local Businesses

Heads up—Google’s shaking up local SEO, which impacts how customers—prospective sellers and buyers, for instance—discover your business on Google. If you're a local business, you've likely heard me talk about the importance of the "map pack." However, I'm not suggesting that your Google Business Profile is becoming irrelevant. Quite the opposite, actually. But, I am highlighting that your business's website is becoming increasingly crucial.

Earlier this year, Google began to de-prioritize its map pack, presumably to highlight its local services ads. But there’s more going on than just that. Google is now boosting local links to well optimized websites that meet key customer search criteria. For instance, search for the “Best Realtor in Westport, CT,” and you’ll likely see Judy Michaelis dominating the first page. Why? It’s because she expertly integrates high-intent keywords across her website, particularly on her service and community pages.

Service pages describe the various ways customers can hire you—e.g. buying, selling, investing, commercial transactions, and more. Community pages focus on the areas you serve, such as zip codes or neighborhoods. My advice? Utilize generative AI writing tools like ChatGPT to craft keyword-optimized content for your service and community pages.

Are you interested in expanding your business's visibility using your Google Business Profile? If so, I have an exciting solution just for you! Explore my course, "GOOGLE BUSINESS BOSS” and discover how to fully optimize your profile to attract more potential clients and opportunities.

First Look: Google Tests New "Short Videos" Tab in Mobile Search, Aggregating Instagram Reels, YouTube Shorts, and TikToks

It looks like Google is rolling out a new "Short Videos" tab in mobile search, gradually introducing it alongside the familiar Images, News, and Videos tabs. This section pulls content from Instagram Reels, YouTube Shorts, and TikToks. Now, traditionally, platforms like Instagram have depended on scroll-based discovery, with algorithms dictating what appears in your feed. They've always lagged behind in search functionality—but that's changing. With advancements in the generative AI language processing space, social search capabilities are improving rapidly.

In light of this change, it's becoming increasingly important to strategically optimize your content for maximum visibility. For some time now, I've been encouraging you to embed top keywords into your post captions and video transcripts to enhance discoverability on high-intent searches. With Google's new tab for short videos, the significance of SEO on social platforms has been underscored even more. Now, more than ever, it’s essential to refine your SEO strategies to ensure your content stands out amidst the digital noise and reaches your target audience effectively. It's time to get savvy with keywords and leverage this new opportunity to enhance your online presence.

P.S. Keep in mind, this appears to be a test they’re rolling out gradually. You may not find it on your device yet. I have a Google alert set up for whenever my name shows up on the Internet. I started noticing a few months ago that my Instagram Reels were indexing with Google, as I was getting alerts. That was new. It seems as though this is the continuation of that effort – a dedicated vertical video feed on Google!

LinkedIn's Strategic Pivot: A Dive into Vertical Video

LinkedIn's latest move to test a vertical video feed signals a strategic pivot into the video-centric world dominated by TikTok and Instagram. By diving into this landscape, LinkedIn aims to stake its claim in the influencer marketing realm that has propelled its competitors to success. Confident in its ability to compete, LinkedIn is strategically reducing its focus on traditional networking in favor of embracing dynamic content consumption habits.

This decision reflects LinkedIn's recognition of evolving content trends and its determination to offer users a more engaging experience. However, the platform must navigate the balance between maintaining its professional identity and embracing the creativity inherent in vertical video formats. Despite challenges, LinkedIn's venture into vertical video holds promise, opening doors for brands, marketers, and creators to explore new avenues for engagement and growth within a professional context.

Standing Out in a Competitive Marketplace: What Sets You Apart

In today's competitive real estate market, standing out is essential. Consider these three points from Tom Ferry to define your unique value proposition:

  1. I’m the FIRST in {location} to___: Showcase your innovation and leadership by pioneering new strategies or technologies in your area.

  2. I’m the ONLY ___ in {location} to ___: Highlight your exclusivity by offering specialized services tailored to specific demographics, neighborhoods, or property types.

  3. I’m the MOST ___ in {location}: Demonstrate your expertise and credibility as the leading agent in your area, emphasizing your experience, successful track record, and in-depth market knowledge.

By filling in the blanks above, you can identify your strengths and effectively differentiate yourself in the competitive marketplace.

Quality Over Quantity: A New Era in Social Media

Social media has long been a game of who can post the most, urging us to create non-stop. But, there's a hint of change in the air. While the race to post often hasn't slowed down, we're starting to see signs that lasting, quality content might begin to take center stage:

  • TikTok is testing videos up to 15 minutes, allowing creators to dive deeper into their content.

  • Instagram is experimenting with longer runtimes for Reels, testing the waters for more engaging content.

  • LinkedIn has updated its algorithm to better showcase “evergreen” posts, ones that maintain relevance over time and can continuously engage new audiences.

These changes hint at a broader shift toward quality, reminiscent of what we've learned from YouTube. On YouTube, the expectation for quality has always been higher due to its long-form content nature. Viewers investing time in a longer video expect it to be worth their while, setting a precedent that more social platforms seem to be acknowledging.

This shift in platform strategies brings to mind YouTube's long-standing approach. On YouTube, the expectation for quality has always been higher due to its long-form content nature. Viewers investing time in a longer video expect it to be worth their while, setting a precedent that more social platforms seem to be acknowledging.

Could this be the dawn of a new era in social media, where the focus shifts from how much we post to the impact and longevity of what we post? (I honestly hope so!) How do you see this affecting your content strategy?

Revolutionizing Photo Customization: Instagram's Game-Changing 'Backdrop' Sticker

Instagram's upcoming "Backdrop" sticker is poised to streamline how we customize photo backgrounds, possibly moving away from the cumbersome green screen and third-party app processes.

Unlike the pre-planning required with the current functionality of the green screen effect on Instagram or the post-production layering in apps like CapCut, this AI-driven feature will make possible on-the-fly background changes directly in the app, after your content is already captured.

This innovative approach not only simplifies the creative process but also opens up exciting possibilities for spontaneous and dynamic content creation. With the "Backdrop" sticker, Instagram users can look forward to a more fluid and intuitive experience, breaking free from the constraints of traditional customization methods.

Gemini vs. ChatGPT: The Ultimate AI Chatbot Showdown

Google's AI Leap: Unveiling Gemini

In a pivotal update to its AI portfolio, Google has transitioned Bard to Gemini, heralding a new era of AI with the introduction of the GeminiPRO model. This rebranding is more than just a change of name; it signifies Google's commitment to a more nuanced and versatile AI experience.

What's New with Gemini:

  • From Bard to Gemini: A strategic rebranding to reflect enhanced capabilities and a new direction in AI.

  • Introduction of GeminiPRO: This launch marks the transition to multimodal AI, capable of processing diverse inputs such as images, text, code, and mathematics.

Understanding the Technology:

  • Large Language Models (LLM): LLMs, like Gemini, are trained on extensive datasets to understand and generate human-like text. They're the backbone of conversational AI.

  • GPT Explained: Standing for "Generative Pre-trained Transformer", GPT models (e.g., GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 for Plus users) specialize in generating text based on the input they receive, focusing on language processing.

  • Multimodal AI: Unlike purely text-based GPT models, Gemini's multimodal capabilities allow it to understand and generate content across various formats, including images, code, and more.

Enhanced Features:

  • Gemini Mobile App: Ensuring AI is accessible anytime, anywhere, with a dedicated mobile application.

  • Gemini Advanced: Competing with ChatGPT Plus, this version grants access to the powerful GeminiULTRA 1.0, surpassing GeminiPRO in capability.

Google's introduction of Gemini, alongside its advanced features and models, marks a significant step towards creating a more integrated AI experience. By merging multimodal capabilities with user-friendly access points like a mobile app and premium versions, Gemini is poised to redefine our interaction with AI technology.

Facebook's Renaissance: Reviving Engagement in 2024 🚀

2023 marked a turning point for Facebook, witnessing a surge in user engagement, thanks to its strategic pivot towards AI-suggested content.

Here's what's changed/changing:

  1. Increased User Engagement: Despite fewer user-generated posts, overall engagement on Facebook is climbing. 📈

  2. Shift from Creation to Consumption: A decline in content creation opens doors for businesses and brands to captivate an audience hungry for content. 📉

  3. Interest-Based Algorithm Shift: Facebook is refining its algorithm, increasingly mirroring TikTok's approach by focusing more on interests-based content, including posts from non-connections, rather than solely on social networking updates. 🤖

Recommendation for 2024:

Capitalize on this trend by doubling down on vertical videos that resonate deeply with your target audience's interests. It's time to align your content strategy with the evolving Facebook landscape.

Gaining the Upper Hand: How to Uncover Your Competitors' Digital Advertising Secrets

In the competitive realm of digital marketing, keeping a close watch on your competitors can provide invaluable insights. One of the most effective ways to gain a competitive edge is by peeking behind the curtain and spying on the ads your competitors are running across the internet. In this blog post, we'll unveil the secret tools and platforms that allow you to do just that.

1. Google and YouTube -

Google and YouTube are global advertising powerhouses. To uncover your competitors' strategies on these platforms, head to This tool offers an inside look at a wide range of ads, providing you with a wealth of information on the types of ads currently in circulation.

2. Facebook and Instagram -

Social media advertising is a force to be reckoned with, and Facebook and Instagram are at the forefront of this revolution. Navigate to to explore your competitors' ad campaigns. You can search for any Page and uncover details about their active ads, enabling you to dissect their creative strategies, ad formats, and messaging.

3. TikTok -

TikTok, the hub of short-form video content, has become a dominant force in the digital landscape. When it comes to understanding what's making waves in your industry, TikTok is a goldmine of inspiration. To gain insights into your competitors' TikTok ad strategies and discover what's performing best in your niche, make your way to

So, as you embark on your journey of digital marketing mastery, remember that in this realm, information truly is power, and the tools are at your disposal to wield it effectively.

Now You Can Finally Add Social Links to Your Google Business Profile!

Finally! You can now manually add your social media links to your Google Business Profile.

Previously, Google would automatically scour the internet to associate your Facebook page or Instagram account with your business profile. Sometimes it would successfully link a profile or two, but often it would miss some or not link any at all.

So before, the best you could do was to include your social media links in your website's footer or engage in complex coding theatrics, like modifying your site's schema code. But now, thankfully, those days are behind us.

The social media platforms you can now link to your Google Business Profile include:

  • Instagram

  • Facebook

  • TikTok

  • YouTube

  • LinkedIn

  • Pinterest

  • X (formerly Twitter)

To get started, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to your Google Business Profile Manager (

  2. Tap the “Edit Profile” icon

  3. Select “Content” in the navigation menu

  4. Scroll down to the “Social profiles” section and get to work!

From Clicks to Crickets: The 80% Decline in Social-to-Site Referral Traffic Since 2020

Referral traffic, the stream of visitors to your business's website from platforms like Facebook, has plummeted drastically since 2020—by an astounding 80%!

This is pivotal, especially if your site serves as a storefront or service hub, as it fundamentally reshapes your social media strategy.

Be sure to share this with friends and peers whose strategies might need to adapt to this “silent shift.”

LinkedIn's 2023 Surge: Why Engagement and User Activity Are Skyrocketing

LinkedIn is in the midst of a resurgence, and the numbers back it up. A recent poll conducted on the platform itself revealed that a staggering majority of respondents are using LinkedIn "more" or "a lot more" this year. The question is, are you?

Key Points to Consider:

  1. Skyrocketing Engagement: LinkedIn isn't just a digital Rolodex anymore. With a 41% year-over-year increase in sharing original content, it's a fertile ground for real estate professionals and local business owners to establish thought leadership.

  2. Record Levels of Activity: Microsoft's quarterly reports aren't just numbers; they're a testament to LinkedIn's "record levels" of engagement. This isn't mere small talk; it's a “social network”of ideas and opportunities.

  3. The "X" Factor and Beyond: While some argue that LinkedIn's growth is fueled by users migrating from troubled platforms like “X” (formerly Twitter), the way I see it, that's not the whole story. Instagram and Facebook are increasingly becoming content consumption platforms, thanks to their increasingly AI-driven feeds, trying hard to keep up with the pace of TikTok. This shift could be making users yearn for the authentic social interactions that LinkedIn (still) offers.

  4. The Instagram Paradox: A LinkedIn poll found Instagram to be the most popular app among a certain audience. This suggests that as Instagram and Facebook evolve to mimic TikTok, they may be losing their essence as social networking platforms, inadvertently making LinkedIn the go-to choice for meaningful connections.

So, are you using LinkedIn more or less this year? And more importantly, why? LinkedIn is not just surviving; it's thriving. And for real estate professionals, local business owners, and entrepreneurs like you, it's a perfect time to get in on the action.

Instagram's Extended Reel Runtimes and the Future of Your Content Strategy

Back to the Future: The Revival of Long-Form Content

Remember when Instagram retired its long-form "IGTV" feature? Well, it's making a comeback, but this time under the Reels banner. Instagram is internally testing 3-minute and 10-minute Reels, and this move is more than just a nod to TikTok's success. It's a fascinating glimpse into the cyclical nature of content trends.

The Trend Cycle: Short to Long and Back Again

In the digital age, trends are cyclical. We started with short videos, moved to long-form, and then circled back to short-form content like Stories and TikTok. Now, we're seeing a resurgence of mid-length content. Understanding these cycles can give you a competitive edge. You'll know when to pivot your strategy and how to keep your audience engaged.

Why This Matters for Local Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, and Marketers

  • Adaptability: Being aware of these trends allows you to adapt your content strategy. For Realtors, for instance, longer Reels could mean more time to showcase property tours or client testimonials.

  • User Engagement: If you've built a following around short-form content, don't abandon it. Instead, integrate longer videos into your existing strategy to keep your audience engaged.

Takeaways and Recommendations

  • Stay Informed: Keep an eye on platform updates and be ready to adapt.

  • Test and Measure: Don't dive headfirst into ONLY longer content. Test it out, measure its effectiveness, and then decide if it's worth fully integrating.

  • Balance is Key: A mix of short, mid, and long-form content can help you reach a broader audience and keep your content fresh.

In a nutshell, the return/reemergence of longer Reels is a golden opportunity to diversify your content and engage your audience in new ways. So, my advice:  embrace the cycle, and use it to get more out of your Instagram marketing efforts.

Instagram's AI Evolution: A Look at Instagram's Innovative AI Features (Soon to be Released)

Instagram is experimenting with a range of generative AI elements to enhance your experience. Here’s the rundown…

  1. Generative AI Sticker Creation: Soon, you'll be able to create customized sticker-graphics for your Reels and Stories based on text prompts.

  2. Visual Editing Tools: Two new tools are on the horizon. “AI Brush” will let you replace parts of your image, with AI filling in the gaps. “Restyle” will allow you to recreate sections of an uploaded image using text prompts. You'll be able to change backgrounds or replace specific elements with AI-created alternatives.

  3. AI Chatbot: Just like Snapchat's chatbot tool, Instagram is working on a new conversational UI built into your DMs. By typing @ai into the chat field, you'll be able to ask questions about various topics. Sounds thrilling 😑

  4. Message Summary: Long-winded DMs? No worries! An AI-powered tool is being developed to summarize your messages, saving you time.

Instagram’s Testing a New AI Chatbot Feature: Double-Down on DMs

Instagram is launching new AI features for chat in DMs, providing what’d I’d describe as “Grammarly-like” recommendations to improve or compose messages.

Meh 😑—it’s a starting point. It puts IG in the AI game, I suppose.

Granted, although I don’t see it as revolutionary, the AI chatbot functionality will probably help you in efficiently managing your messages.

More interestingly, however, there’s been a reported decline in story and feed posts, and at the same time, a rise in DM conversations. That’s a trend worth noting.

My advice:  leverage your DMs strategically. E.g. conversations with followers as well as a forum to network and expand your relationships.

Google’s Generative AI Tools Branching into Google Search Results

Google is expanding its generative AI tools into the search results pages (SERPs)! 😲

Up until now, Google’s been a bit reluctant to jump into the AI frenzy too quickly, citing concerns about the possibility of circulating errors or misinformation. Notwithstanding, Microsoft’s partnership with Chat GPT has effectively forced their participation.

So, as part of a new trial program, Google is integrating AI elements into its organic search results and ad placements. To be clear, the AI results will be mixed in with the regular search results, providing additional content and context for searchers.

The big topic of discussion, IMO, is how this generative AI trend will impact the overall state of SEO. What I mean is, if searchers no longer (or rarely) need to click a link, that’s gonna have a profound impact on web traffic.

That said, when compared to Chat GPT, Google still aims to remain a key source of website visitors by highlighting relevant web links, while also embracing advancements in generative AI.