FB Business Pages Can No Longer Post Real Estate Listings to Facebook Marketplace (Effective January, 2023)

You might’ve received an email from Meta today informing you that your Facebook Business Page would be restricted from posting real estate listings to the Facebook Marketplace, effective January, 2023.

For reference, the Facebook Marketplace is the buy/sell classified ad section of Facebook. It’s essentially Facebook’s version of Craigslist—within which, for instance, users can list properties for rent and/or sale.

When launched in 2016 only Personal Facebook Profiles were eligible to use it. However, they eventually rolled it out for the use of Facebook Business Pages. But now, regrettably, Meta is rescinding Facebook Business Pages from posting real estate listings (or vehicles, not that this matters to us) to the Marketplace. Bummer. 😢

Notwithstanding, you can still post real estate listings to the Marketplace through your Personal Profile. The major drawback, of course, is that—when posted via a Business Page—Meta collected data whereby you could create ads to retarget anyone who viewed or engaged with your Marketplace listing.

Granted, I don’t believe I’ve ever met an agent who utilized that particular feature. 🤔 In fact, I even made a video about it like two years ago… watch it here if you want:  https://bit.ly/3fwLP63.

Bottom line, though… you CAN still post real estate listings to your Facebook Business Page, boost those posts, run ads, and so on. None of that has changed. The only new restriction here is in respect to posting real estate listings in the Facebook Marketplace.

Hope this is helpful for everyone! :D