Instagram Story Videos Now Up-to 60 Seconds Long and Useable as Instagram Reels

Instagram Stories update:  you might’ve heard the news that IG Story videos under 60-second runtimes will no longer be auto-divided into 15-second segments, as has been the case.

The significance is that Instagram is—step-by-step—merging its various video formats into, effectively, one configuration:  VERTICAL ↕️

What’s more, Instagram has been prompting its users recently to “make a Reel” when posting a string of Stories. Instagram launched Templates for Reels a while back, and so it’s programmed to detect which of your Story-sequences match-up with an available Template. If you follow the prompt to “make a Reel,” for instance, it’ll even load your Stories into the designated Template frames automatically. 🤯

The point is… all video is vertical and it seems as if IG is working toward a convergence of some form… whereby all videos—Story-posts or Feed-posts—populate in its main feed. Just making some predictions here. :D