More than 50% of Instagram Content is AI Recommended: How to make it work for you

Over HALF the content on Instagram is now AI recommended, which poses a challenge—your posts might not reach your followers as effectively as you'd assume. But it also means you have a unique opportunity: craft content that speaks directly to your ideal audience.

Insta’s AI-powered algorithm curates posts based on a user’s interests, using patterns from their interactions and consumption habits. If your followers are a mix of friends, family, leads, and contacts with diverse interests, your posts might get less visibility because of this algorithmic shift.

However, over time, focused content will attract your ideal audience—and, since their interests align with your content, they’ll keep seeing your posts. This is why it's crucial to create content tailored to your target market.

Additionally, using other channels like email newsletters ensures you stay in front of your followers, given that your repeat-reach on IG may be diminished.

My advice: Begin with the end in mind! Create hyperlocal posts that resonate with potential sellers, and watch as Instagram’s AI helps you reach them. Think about your target audience and make content that they'll love and value. By aligning your content with their interests, you're effectively choosing who sees your posts.