The “Why” Behind What You Post: Going Beyond Checkbox Marketing

In the hustle and bustle of running a business, it's easy to get caught in what I like to call "checkbox marketing."

You know the drill: Post a video on Monday, an article on Wednesday, and maybe throw in some Instagram stories throughout the week. You're ticking-off the tasks, but is your passion really in it?

The fact is, if your content doesn't excite you, it probably won't excite your audience either.

So try this… Instead of asking yourself, "What do I need to get posted today?" try shifting the question to, "What does my audience need to hear from me today?"

This simple switch in perspective can make all the difference. It moves you from a self-focused mindset to an audience-centric one.

Three Quick Tips:

  • Before crafting your next piece of content, pause and identify the core message you want to convey.

  • Consider the problems or questions your audience has (or is likely facing in the marketplace) and address those.

  • Test and measure the response, and then refine your approach based on real-world feedback.

So, for example, don't just post a home tour because it's on your to-do list. Share a tour that dives into what your audience really wants to know, whether that's insights into lifestyle choices, market trends, or the buying and selling process.

By focusing on what your audience needs to hear, you're not just checking boxes—you're building a brand that relates and resonates.