Pantana Lite Tips

5 Essential Elements to Supercharge Your AI Prompts

Your AI experience is only as brilliant as your prompts. Think of generative AI as a mirror, reflecting🪞the quality of your thoughts.

Want to take your prompts from good to great? Here's your quick cheat sheet:

👉PERSONA: Declare who's speaking. Whether it's a seasoned journalist or a professional health coach, the voice dramatically influences the output's narrative and tone. | Ex: "Imagine you're a financial advisor giving investment advice."

👉OBJECTIVE: Define what you need from your AI. Craft your tasks with precision. | Ex: "Create a comprehensive guide to indoor gardening."

👉CONTEXT: Feed the AI a detailed backstory. It's all about supplying any pertinent background information that refines the AI's task execution. | Ex: "The guide is for city dwellers with little to no outdoor space."

👉FORMAT: Specify your desired output. This can range from articles, scripts, and quizzes, to styles like how-to guides or opinion pieces, and even structures such as headings, lists, or interview style Q&As.

👉STYLE: Tailor the AI's style. Think about the tone, rhetorical devices, formality level, and other language nuances. | Ex: "Write in a conversational tone, using metaphors and anecdotes, and maintain a moderate level of formality."

Remember, weak prompts generate weak responses. But powerful prompts? They ignite AI's potential, unlocking a world of possibilities.

From Zillow to Google: How to Use AI to Migrate and Optimize Client Reviews for Your Business Profile

Looking to repurpose your Zillow reviews for your Google Business Profile? It's not just a migration, it's a transformation.

You're well aware of the power of client reviews, but a simple copy-paste won't cut it. You'll need your clients to "re-review you"—there's no sidestepping that. But, before you reach out, there's a golden opportunity to amplify 🦾 their reviews.

Take their original reviews and feed them into an AI tool (like ChatGPT, Bard, Claude 2, Jasper, or others). Instruct the AI to weave in a few choice keywords, crafting a fresh and improved version. Why? Because Google scans your clients' reviews for keywords, using them to rank your profile over competitors in related searches.

A word to the wise: don't rush this process or it'll raise 🤨 eyebrows. And remember, if you go overboard with the keywords, Google's likely to filter the review.

But what about Google’s duplicate content policy, you ask? No need to fret. Reviews, authored by the client and not the business, don't typically fall under Google's duplicate content policy😮‍💨.

Just remember, handle this process with care and authenticity to stay in line with Google's broader guidelines.

Beyond Buying Leads: The Importance of Marketing in Real Estate

Are you thinking BIG enough? When it comes to marketing and branding, loads of agents only scratch the surface, stay within their comfort zones, and often miss the mark because:

👉 They lack the necessary know-how to implement successful marketing.

👉 They're clinging to buying leads like a lifeline, missing a solid marketing plan to bring in steady business.

👉 They're spooked by the thought of unclear returns from their marketing efforts.

👉 For them, rolling up their sleeves to tackle marketing feels like facing a steep, uphill climb.

👉 They're not quite getting the big picture - branding isn't just a logo, it's about building long-term client relationships.

Stop scratching the surface. Dive deep and make your mark!

Harness the Domino Effect: Unleash the Power of a "For Sale" Sign!

Imagine a "For Sale" sign popping up on one lawn in your neighborhood. Then, almost like magic, a smattering of additional "For Sale" signs starts appearing here and there. This is the domino effect in action, subtly yet significantly sparking a vibrant real estate scene.

Ignite the Chain Reaction

Here's where you step in. It's time to supercharge the trend and take it to the next level. Go beyond the casual postcard, and embark on a full-throttle marketing blitz! Yes, postcards are good, but there's so much more you can do.

  • Make calls to neighbors

  • Knock on doors for face-to-face interaction

  • Host open houses

  • Film and post engaging social media videos

  • Launch targeted online ads:  Meta, Google, YouTube, TikTok, and more.

  • Feature the listing in your newsletter and email campaigns

Doing all this isn't just about selling a single house. It's about creating a buzz in the neighborhood—a buzz that can translate into more listings, sales, and satisfied clients.

Stay Top-of-Mind

The real estate game requires more than a flash in the pan marketing effort. While many agents may host an open house or send a postcard, this might not be enough to form a lasting impression. The secret sauce? Persistence and consistency.

Don't just spark interest and let it dwindle after a day or two. Commit to the long haul—be there for the whole season. It's crucial to stay in the neighbors' minds even after the "Sold" sign comes down. After all, the decision to sell might not happen immediately, but when it does, you want to be the first person they think of.

Remember, a continuous presence doesn't just show commitment, it helps build trust and recognition—two key ingredients in winning listings. Patience, persistence, and consistency are your allies in this game.

Your Turn

What are your top marketing tips and tricks to leverage your listings and sales?

Push VS. Pull: The Art of Long-Term Marketing

Does your marketing PUSH or PULL?

A PUSH strategy employs "buy now or prices may go up" types of tactics, enticing impulsive decisions. While this approach might net some short-term gains, the benefits are fleeting.

Conversely, a PULL strategy resonates with your customers' core desires, cultivating a trust-based relationship rooted in enduring value. This method inspires customer loyalty and earns you referrals.

Don't just focus on the here and now. In marketing, it's essential to look beyond the immediate—sow seeds today for a bountiful harvest tomorrow.

How to Ensure “Snowbirds” See Your Postcards: Email-Copy Your Postcards

Have you ever wondered about the real impact of your postcard marketing efforts? Or maybe questioned how long your mailings even hold your audience's attention?

Here's something to consider - USPS Informed Delivery, a complimentary service that provides residents with a digital preview (i.e., scanned images) of their mail, is being utilized in over 33 million homes. That's about 20% of all eligible U.S. households. So… Roughly 1 out of 5 addresses you mail to is probably already enrolled.

From a marketing viewpoint, this opens a new avenue for reaching homeowners—especially those elusive "snowbirds" who often are away from their second homes.

Now, your message is landing not only in their physical mailbox but also in their inbox, thus multiplying your touch-points. As a postcard marketer, USPS Informed Delivery can boost your reach by:

  • Ensuring your mailings are seen, even when homeowners are away.

  • Giving homeowners a digital preview of your postcard.

  • Making a deeper impression with this dual-delivery system.

It's a smart move to add a secondary call-to-action (CTA) on your postcards every now and again, encouraging homeowners to sign up for USPS Informed Delivery. It's a way of making sure your future mailings are noticed, even when the homeowner isn't physically there to pick up the mail.

And don't forget the magic of multichannel marketing – that seeing your message on multiple platforms boosts its impact and makes it more memorable. The combination of physical postcards and digital previews is working to amplify your marketing message.

Remember, you're making connections, one postcard at a time. Each mailing builds awareness, establishes your brand, and increases your chances for hire, bit-by-bit. Keep pushing, keep engaging, and keep making impressions that last.

The Trust Equation: Earning Referrals in Real Estate

In the real estate profession, success hinges on more than mere transactional interactions or casual conversations with clients. At its core, this business is relationship-based—a "know-you, like-you, trust-you" kind of operation.

Trust is a cornerstone, pivotal to creating an atmosphere where clients and contacts can confidently advocate for your services.

Consider this:  according to the National Association of REALTORS®, over half of buyers and about two-thirds of sellers link with agents via repeat business or referrals. This underscores the critical importance of your relationships and amplifies the powerful role that trust plays in driving your business forward.

Yet, trust doesn't grow on its own—it needs to be tended. When a client refers you, they're effectively betting their reputation. Consequently, your marketing strategy is tasked with providing the assurance clients and contacts require to recommend your services confidently.

Regardless of the method—be it postcards, emails, videos, or something else—your marketing should focus on forging a robust network that knows, likes, and trusts you.

So… Is your marketing strategy building the necessary confidence for your clients to easily vouch for your services?

Choosing the Right Instagram Account: Personal, Business, or Creator?

Navigating Instagram begins with a pivotal choice between personal and professional accounts.

  1. PERSONAL ACCOUNTS: Though favored within Facebook’s algorithm, it’s a different story on Instagram. These accounts are primarily beneficial for maintaining privacy. However, they lack the business-oriented features you might find useful for growth.

  2. PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTS: These are your go-to for business perks like insights, advertising, enhanced messaging, and contact buttons. Before you dive in, remember there are two further options to consider:

  • BUSINESS ACCOUNTS: Opt for these if you're looking for improved integration with third-party publishing tools. They provide an environment that eases content creation and scheduling.

  • CREATOR ACCOUNTS: An ideal match for those seeking a touch of creative freedom, these accounts provide additional music options and allow you to align with categories reflective of your profession, such as "Real Estate Agent" or "Entrepreneur.” Be mindful, however, certain categories could come with music usage restrictions.

So, based on your objectives with Instagram, ask yourself: Which account will serve you best, and why?

Email VS. the World: Why Email Marketing is Still King of Digital Platforms

EMAIL is the undisputed titan of digital platforms. Not what you expected? With a gargantuan 4.37 billion users worldwide, it leaves Facebook, YouTube, and the rest eating its dust.💨

But why does that matter? It’s simple: to maximize your marketing efforts, you need to reach your audience where they’re the liveliest. And the numbers don't lie—99% of email users check their inboxes daily, usually before they even glance at social media.

Don't misunderstand—this isn't a slight against social platforms. The real faux pas is underestimating the importance of email.

Consider that each social post only hits a small fraction of your followers at a time. So don't restrict your reach to social feeds when there are inboxes waiting to be filled.

What’s more, email marketing's strength doesn't just hinge on its epic reach. What sets it apart most is its rock-solid dependability—email offers a hotline to your audience, more direct than any social platform.

Are you ready to learn how to build an effective email strategy and craft compelling messaging to become an email-marketing hero? If so, check out my new course, INBOX HERO: Tapping into the marketing GOAT.

This doesn't mean that email subscribers are necessarily more loyal; after all, email opt-outs are common, just like unfollows on social media. You get what your content attracts and keep what it satisfies.

Bottom line—followers might be flighty, but email endures.

Understanding Types of Real Estate Leads: Property, Process, and/or Professional Inquiries

Leads are the lifeblood of your business—yet they come with varying degrees of potential and require different handling strategies.

You’ve likely heard your peers complain about “lousy” leads. But it isn’t a matter of quality, it’s a question of intent.

By definition, a lead is simply somebody responding to a marketing offer, saying, "I'm interested!” What it all boils down to is the nature of the offer.

Context is key! If you fail to understand what motivated a lead to accept your offer, you're essentially left in the dark.

In real estate, for example, there are 3 fundamental offers:  property - process - professional.

  1. PROPERTY - Offers focused on the real estate itself: e.g. listing inquiries, open house attendees, home-valuation requests, custom home-search subscribers, etc.

  2. PROCESS - Offers concerned with the journey of buying or selling: e.g. downloadable PDF guides, webinar or seminar participants, etc.

  3. PROFESSIONAL - Offers spotlighting the agent's expertise and/or reputation: e.g. social media solicitations, online review-driven queries, etc.

It's vital to acknowledge that not all leads are equal. While property leads might come in bulk, they often see you as an accessory to the main event, thus demanding a good deal of skill and finesse to transform them into loyal clients.

On the other hand, process and professional leads come to you because, well—you’re YOU! They recognize your skills and reputation; they've seen you in action and they like what they see. Hence, the conversion battle is already halfway won—ultimately, it's all about context.

High-Intent Social Media Leads!? Harnessing the Power of Meta Search Ads on Facebook and Instagram

Amidst the world of scrolling thumbs and double-taps, Meta—that is, Facebook and Instagram—has unveiled a new ad format positioned to help businesses and creators break through the noise of an ever-scrolling feed.

When advertising on these platforms, your precious ads generally appear within users' feeds, where their attention is constantly fleeting. It's a “blink-and-you-miss-it” situation.

But take heart because there's a new ad placement in town: SEARCH.

See, when users actively search for something, it signals a higher intent—a clear interest in finding something specific.

With Meta ads—encompassing Facebook and Instagram ads—you, as an advertiser, can now target your ads based on user searches, positioning yourself closer to that decisive moment.


  • For Facebook search results: Your ads are displayed alongside Facebook and Marketplace search results that are relevant to the user's query.

  • For Instagram search results: Your ads show up in the search results when users enter a keyword search term in the search bar within the Instagram app.


  1. Open your Meta Ads Manager and create a new campaign.

  2. Select an objective that suits your preferences, such as Engagement, Traffic, and so on.

  3. Designate Housing as your Special Ad Category.

  4. Fill in the necessary details, including target audience(s), budget, start/end dates, geographic area, and other standard parameters.

  5. Navigate to the "Placements" section and choose "Manual placements."

Keep in mind that Meta search ads function differently compared to Google ads. While Google requires you to specify the exact words and phrases for triggering your ads, Meta takes a different approach by inferring keywords from your ad copy. This includes caption text, video transcript (if applicable), and the landing page if you're directing traffic off of the platform.

Consequently, it is crucial to use clear and concise language to describe the desired action for users who are likely searching for what you offer.

Additionally, here's an important consideration: since you're targeting high-intent searchers, it might be prudent to exclude potential ad placements other than Facebook and Instagram Search, although it will be required to keep Facebook and Instagram feeds enabled.

Lastly, since this is a newly introduced ad placement, it's crucial to closely monitor whether your ads are actually appearing in search results and how they’re performing with respect to your goals. Simply make adjustments to your ad copy until you find the sweet spot.

Unraveling the Social Media Maze: A Definitive Guide to Content Strategy

As the world becomes more-and-more immersed in social media, an intriguing trend emerges: the volume of content being generated is growing at a rate far outstripping the number of new users.

The feeds are effectively “choking” with content, making it tougher and tougher for your posts to cut through the noise.

So, what do you do? Do you drown your audience in more content or do you get strategic in your approach? Obviously, the latter is your better option.

If you’re in-market to level-up your content strategy, click HERE to watch a concise, 26-min video that’ll walk you through every detail.

The Rise of AI-Generated Content: Fueling Growth or Falling Behind?

Adopting AI-generated content in your digital marketing strategy is less a choice, more a requirement to stay competitive.

Despite some misunderstandings, AI-enhanced content doesn't inherently lower the quality or ranking viability of your content. In fact, Google's policy updates dismiss any theories of AI-generated content being automatically classified as SPAM.

For Google, the spotlight is on quality, not the source of content. Whether human and/or AI-produced, only high-quality content secures a valued spot in Google’s eyes.

Side-note:  while AI is a powerful tool to enrich your content, it's not a replacement.

What’s more, there’s a bigger issue at hand: AI-assisted content creators have significantly ramped up their output—e.g. blogs, social media posts, emails, and more.

Content creators and businesses now face a new reality: adapt to this accelerated pace or risk getting buried in the information avalanche.

Vanity VS. Value: Prioritizing Genuine Engagement over Follower Counts

Would you prefer a massive following of random accounts from faraway places or a more modest audience consisting of locals, past clients, and contacts from your database?

If you're marketing your local business on social media, I'm guessing you'd choose the latter option.

So here's some advice: Stop fretting over vanity metrics like follower count, views, and likes. Yes, I know these measurements do matter algorithmically, but you should think about the bigger picture.

Unless you're trying to become a celebrity, why obsess about ‘em? Instead, focus on what truly matters: reaching and engaging with potential clients who are local to your area.

Last year, for instance, Mark Zuckerberg revealed that AI suggested content already accounted for 15% of what users were seeing in their Facebook and Instagram feeds and would more than double by the end of 2023.

(Sidebar:  AI-suggested content is algorithmically generated recommendations tailored to each user's interests and preferences on social media platforms.)

Frankly, that means fewer-and-fewer of your followers will see your posts as their feeds become more-and-more saturated with AI suggested content.

On the other hand, by creating content that’s tailored to the needs and interests of your target audience, you effectively train the algorithms to prioritize and display your content to the individuals for whom it’s genuinely relevant:  i.e., local, prospective customers!

Here’s how to optimize your posts to, quote-unquote, “train the algorithm” to show your posts to locals:

  1. Publish content that caters precisely to the interests of locals, thereby arm-twisting the algorithm to identify and display it to the right audience.

  2. Utilize hyperlocal hashtags to attract the attention and interaction of local users who follow or engage with such hashtags.

  3. Always tag your location in and around your area when posting content. This signals the algorithm that your content is relevant within that specific geographic area.

  4. Consider promoting/boosting your posts within a 15-mile radius of your marketplace for maximum visibility among potential customers in your immediate vicinity.

The Rule of 7: Unlocking the Power of Repetition in Marketing

Ever come across the Rule of 7?

It's an underlying principle in marketing that’s essential to understand; otherwise, your marketing runs the risk of being overlooked or fading into the background, making it easy for your efforts to be forgotten or disregarded.

In a nutshell, the Rule of 7 emphasizes the importance of repeated exposure. Simply put, a potential customer needs to encounter a marketing message at least seven times before taking action.

Relying on a single video, postcard, or email won't cut it; however, a strategic series of touch-points will put you ahead of the competition. That's why it's mission-critical to embrace the power of repetition and strategic exposure.

By ensuring your brand's ubiquitous presence, you establish credibility, capture attention, and position yourself as the preferred choice.

  • Frequency: Consistency is key. The more frequently your target audience encounters your brand/business, the stronger your presence becomes in their minds. Stay engaged, share valuable content, and maintain top-of-mind awareness.

  • Saturation: Don't settle for slivers of attention; instead, aim to reach your entire target audience and establish market dominance. By saturating your marketplace, you tap into the power of word-of-mouth and generate buzz that stems from being the most recognized presence in your area. 

  • Familiarity:  Garner trust through steady and committed marketing efforts. By consistently showing up, delivering on promises, and providing value, you cultivate familiarity. Avoid being on-again, off-again and instead focus on building a “long-term relationship” with your audience. Commitment over time builds a sense of trust.

Instagram Influence Map: Geo-Optimize Your Content to Attract Local Customers

Problem: most of your Instagram followers live in random, faraway places, which undermines the effectiveness of your social media marketing in attracting and procuring LOCAL customers📍

To find out exactly where the people you're influencing are geographically located, follow these steps:

  • Open your Instagram app and navigate to your Professional Dashboard, the gray-shaded box underneath the bio section of your profile. Please note that the Professional Dashboard is available only for Professional profiles, not Personal profiles.

  • Next, tap on "See All" to access your account's insights, where you'll find vital information about your audience.

  • Look for the sections labeled "Accounts reached" and "Total followers.” Specifically, take a close look at the "Top cities" data, which will reveal the top locations of your followers as well as the accounts you reached.

Those top cities aren’t just random locations; they represent where the people you're influencing reside.

If you're running a local business, that’s crucial intel because social media is becoming less social and less local. That said, you can turn the tide by implementing the following techniques:

  1. Specify your physical whereabouts via the Location tag when you post: e.g. your city or locations in/around it. This’ll help to train the algorithm to recognize that your content is relevant to a specific geographic area.

  2. Research and use local hashtags in your posts. By incorporating popular hashtags related to your city or region, you can increase your visibility among local Instagram users.

  3. Post hyperlocal content that appeals specifically to locals. Share information, events, or stories that only people from your area would find interesting and relatable; effectively force the algorithm to distribute your content to the right audience!

  4. Consider boosting your content to target your town or city. By utilizing Instagram's advertising tools, you can reach a wider local audience and increase your brand's visibility.

If you're leveraging social media for your business, it's essential to ensure that your efforts are finely tuned to attract the right audience in the right locations.

Why Are You Creating Video? Cut through the noise, reset your purposes, and build your brand.

Every video you post either enhances or erodes your brand. No exceptions.

No doubt, you've been bombarded with the importance of leveraging video, and rightfully so. But ask yourself: Are you creating videos aimlessly, or are they a strategic means to achieve specific goals?

For example:

  1. Video cultivates an unparalleled sense of know, like, and trust, unmatched by any other communication channel.

  2. Video fosters an instant connection, forging affinity and building trust effortlessly with strangers who find you online or look you up on social.

  3. Video enjoys preferential treatment in algorithms and social media platforms due to its widespread popularity, granting it broader reach and increasing the likelihood of your content being seen by a larger audience.

In the face of overwhelming demands from platforms to produce more content and create a seemingly endless stream of videos, it's crucial to remember the purpose behind your efforts.

Avoid getting caught in the trap of mindlessly producing content without considering how each video contributes to your goals and objectives.

How to Flatten the “Watch-Time Curve” and Level Up Your Video Performance on Social Media

The success of your next video on social media (or lack thereof) is hinged on a crucial factor: the video's "watch-time curve."

This curve, which is represented by a line chart 📉, reveals the duration viewers spend watching a video and highlights the points where viewership declines. The flatter the curve, the better, as it indicates that the video successfully retains viewers' attention.

Platforms like YouTube and Instagram offer metrics such as average duration watched and average percentage watched, thereby helping creators understand what does (or doesn’t) resonate with viewers. If the viewership rate surpasses 100% in these metrics, it signifies that viewers are re-watching the video – a positive sign.

The more of your video viewers watch, the higher the chances that platforms will distribute and recommend your content to a broader audience. The underlying reason is pretty simple: as viewers spend more time watching your video, it becomes more valuable to the platforms due to its contribution in retaining users for longer durations.

To elevate your video game, focus on:

  • Opening hook: Grab attention, set the tone, and establish clear expectations to entice viewers to watch through till the end.

  • Optimize runtime: Analyze average watch time and create videos that match in length to encourage "watch completions."

  • Enhance audio/Visual: Enhance the viewer experience with relevant graphics, sounds, and subtitles; ensure an audio quality and video resolution of reasonable quality.

  • Prevent “scroll holes”: Minimize pauses, gaps, tangents, and irrelevant points that may cause viewers to lose interest and click away.

The saying, "Success isn’t a straight line; it's a journey filled with twists and curves" may hold true for life's endeavors, but when it comes to videos, the opposite applies: hold the line!

Build an SEO Fortress Around Your Local Business: rank higher when customers search for what your business does in the areas it does it

In real estate, the mantra is all about location: LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION! But when it comes to SEO, keywords reign supreme. So… make sure to optimize your website with the right SEO juice.

With that in mind, publish web pages chalked full of keywords that highlight your ability to assist individuals in, at minimum, buying and selling real estate, for instance. Beyond that though, create web pages that talk about relocation, moving, downsizing, new construction sales, custom builds, commercial real estate, residential development, and so on. Why not publish a page for every service you offer!?—especially now, with tools like Chat GPT to do the heavy lifting writing-wise.

What’s more, create community pages on your website that showcase the areas where you operate. Depending on where you do business, maybe consider zip-code specific pages, or neighborhoods, towns, counties, or perhaps designated market area terms, like “tri state” or other comparable titles. The point is, if it’s an area where you work, make it count by creating an optimized page on your website.

Here’s why all this carries weight. The better optimized your website is, the higher Google’s gonna rank your Google Business Profile when customers search for a business that does what yours does in the areas it does it.