Facebook Pixel Tracking Dead? Discussing the New Apple Privacy Policy iOS 14.5 Update with Juefeng Ge

Internet privacy updates have arrived: Apple’s App Tracking Transparency Framework (courtesy of iOS 14.5), Google’s Privacy Sandbox, and, basically a coming embargo on third-party cookies (which is explained in-depth during the video). So, in essence, we’re talking about the end (or at least a serious diminution) of Facebook’s Pixel, Google’s Global Site Tag (i.e., Google Analytics), and other website measurement and tracking tools. Translated: that means problems for remarketing and lead-conversion tracking.

In today’s episode of Marketing Stream, I’m joined by Co-Founder and Chief Marketing Officer of Ylopo, Juefeng Ge (aka, Ge). Candidly, some of what’s happening with these updates is beyond what we need to know or discuss. Nonetheless, it’s been difficult to get straight answers about the functions and/or features that will or won’t remain in place with the major ad portals:  Facebook, Google, et al. That was, until this podcast!

On the table for discussion:

0:00 - Intro
3:17 - Internet Privacy Updates and Impacts on Real Estate
8:36 - The Apple App Tracking Transparency Framework
17:20 - Changes to Facebook's Pixel and Tracking Tools
24:25 - First-Party Data vs Third-Party Data
33:04 - What Stops an App from Selling Your Data
36:14 - Changes to Functionality of Facebook Ads
37:55 - Speculative Changes to Google Ads
41:53 - Strategic Advertising Changes for Real Estate Agents
48:23 - Final Takeaways