Pantana Lite Tips

Top Instagram Profile Mistakes to Avoid in 2022

One of the top-weighted interactions Instagram looks for is when users TAP to visit your profile. The question is, however—once there—do they follow or flee?

Here’s a list of the Top Instagram Profile Mistakes to Avoid:

  1. Using a, quote-unquote, “faraway-photo” as your profile image

  2. Failing to include keywords in your profile display name

  3. Deficient bio — make sure to include keywords, kudos, and calls-to-action

  4. Unused or irrelevant story highlights

Recommit to the Consumer

Social media, in general, has a few different methods and means of producing leads/inquiries:

  1. Inbound Organic: prospective clients, quote-unquote, “discover” your content by way of the Explore Page, hashtags, search, or by some other mechanism. You’ll get DMs like: “We watch all your videos and are thinking about moving to the area — are you working with new buyer clients right now?

  2. Database Nurturing: past clients and sphere of influence contacts see your content, and, in the same way, for instance, a weekly email newsletter confers value and positions you as the agent-of-choice, so it goes with your social media posts. The end result is more repeat/referral business.

  3. Agent-to-Agent: real estate peers engage with and, sometimes, emulate your content—which builds your thought-leadership and influence w/in the industry. As those peers encounter clientele moving to-and-from your marketplace, they set you up with a referral.

    Agent-to-agent referrals are certainly a big chunk of the deals arising out of social media. Thusly, I’ve noticed a tendency amongst many agents—because the lion’s share of their followers or engagement consists of agents, perhaps—to pivot their content from consumer-facing to agent-facing. Surely that’ll generate even more agent-to-agent referrals, right? To the contrary, I’m afraid.

    IMO, agents and consumers alike are both naturally drawn to the influence of experts. So be the expert -- be the knowledge broker.

Who Brings Up Real Estate?

Here’s a marketing acid test to mull over… When you call, text, or chance upon your sphere-of-influence contacts, who brings up real estate? — is it you or them? Candidly, if your marketing activities are effectively positioning you as the agent-of-choice, the topic will typically arise on its own, w/o any prompting.

Many agents rely on clever scripts/dialogues to shift a conversation to real estate—but the thing is, if you’re regularly supplying your database contacts w/ valuable insights and information—you won’t have to. Every time you post on social, send an email, mail a postcard, or publish a video that delivers VALUE, in effect, you’re seeding your services.

Trending Audio Gives Your Instagram Reels WINGS 🛫

Trending Audio 🎵 gives your Instagram Reels, wings! If you wanna get MORE views 👀 — add (or layer-in) music out of IG’s audio library.

To find trending music/audio:

  • Tap the “+” button to create a post, choose “Reel,” then tap the 🎵icon and surf through what’s in your “For You” feed.

  • You can also search audio from w/in IG’s Story creator. Once in your Stories, tap the stickers icon, select Music, and then press Browse option where you can see even more trending music options.

  • And last, if you stumble on an audio clip you like in someone else’s Reel, just tap the audio artwork in the lower-right corner, and then press the “Save Audio” button.

In the Reels feed, Instagram algorithmically prioritizes what you see based on:

  1. Your historical activity

  2. Past interactions you’ve had w/ the author

  3. Elements w/in the Reel—like its audio, for instance.

If you wanna get the best results out of any social platform, you’ve gotta leverage the latest features and formats.

The Best Source of Real Estate Listings in 2022

Want more listings in 2022?—take another look at your database. Per NAR, 67% of sellers procure their Listing Agent by way of repeat/referral.

  1. Be a connector: parties, pop-bys, or even private Facebook Groups—it’s mission critical to create a sense of community and culture.

  2. Be a resource: w/ ALL your content (e.g. blogs, videos, emails, social media posts, and more), create it as if it was made solely for your database! Be the knowledge broker!

  3. Be a friend: send birthday greetings, “text-in to check-in,” get personal w/ handwritten notes, proactively DM/comment on social, and even be thoughtful (not necessarily lavish) w/ your gifts.

  4. Be inevitable: position your brand strategically: retarget your database w/ paid ads promoting your content on social, utilize Google Display Ads, distribute value-packed emails weekly, run YouTube ads, send out postcards, and so on. Do whatever it takes to be the agent-of-choice!

Fact is, your database is probably your best source of business, period — and I’m willing to bet you’re hardly cracking the surface!

Posting Videos on Google Business Profiles that Aren’t Yours!

Did you know you could post photos and videos on Google Business Profiles THAT AREN’T YOURS 🤯

(Disclaimer:  don’t go posting on the Google Business Profiles (GBP) of peers or competitors in your marketplace. That’ll make for a BIG mess.)

Try running some local Google searches for neighborhoods, subdivisions, or even condo-complexes in your area. Chance are, you’ll find that a bunch already have existing Google Business Profiles set up. That’s what South-African agent, Amore Van Der Ende, does!

Amore uploads 30-second, “branded” (as in, her name, logo, and contact info, on-screen and visible) video tours on the respective GBPs of key buildings and/or communities in her marketplace. She’ll showcase the grounds, amenities, common areas, and, if it’s her listing, the interior of a property.

And you know what? Her videos get TONS of views and, what’s more, they help to position her as the agent-of-choice with would-be buyers and sellers conducting research online.

Think about it… you’re accustomed to seeing “customer uploaded” photos and videos in Google Maps and Google Search for hotels and restaurants. Welp, it’s the same thing here.

To get started, you’ll need to enroll in the Google Local Guides program. Simply visit to get started. Here are a couple of quick tips to consider:

  1. Make sure you’re logged into the Google Account that’s tied to your Google Business Page.

  2. You may (possibly) consider modifying your Google Account name from, say, “Jason Pantana” to, for instance, “Jason Pantana, Nashville, Realtor,” just to reinforce what you do as people view your contributions. You’d make this change at

Crush it with Google, y’all. If you’re going to do this, please comment “🔥🔥🔥” below to let me know!

How to Guarantee More Video Views (in the First Three Seconds of Your Video)

Roughly 99% of videos ruin their chances of generating crazy-high views 📈 in the first 3 seconds. The mistake (IMO):  it’s because those videos lead with opening pleasantries:

  • “Hi, I’m Jason Pantana—blah, blah, blah.”

  • “Welcome to another episode of ‘nobody cares!’”

In the time it takes to say the words, your viewers will have scrolled past. Theme-song intro clips, bumpers, and logo-stings -- it’s all extraneous to your video’s subject. My point is:  get to the point straightaway! 

Facebook recently conducted a cross-platform study in which they learned that half of viewers who committed to watching the first three seconds of a video, statistically speaking, would’ve gone on to have watched for 30 seconds or longer. So, in theory, it’s a battle over capturing that first three seconds of attention. (Hence, Yoda 😂)

It’s not that you can’t or shouldn’t include intro bumpers or say who you are—just don’t do it at the very beginning when it’s make-or-break in terms of winning the viewers attention.

Pretty much every algorithm in existence (Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, Google, YouTube, et al.) is predicated on holding viewers/users attention.

  • If a web-surfer clicks a link on Google and immediately bounces before the page loads, Google infers that link should be demoted in the future search rankings. 

  • If viewers watch only a few seconds of a YouTube video and then quickly move on to someone else’s video predictably, YouTube concludes something about that video isn’t relevant and therefore holds back its reach in its search rankings, explore pages, and its various other feeds. 

If a video is able to sustain viewership, then naturally, a platform is incentivized to push that video out far and wide. It’ll rank better in searches, distribute through explore/discovery feeds, and get pushed to more of your followers, period.

So if you wanna improve how your next video performs, hook viewers with an opening “Lean-in Line”—i.e., an attention-grabbing statement, question, or stat. Something that’ll draw viewers into what you have to say.

And remember:  the success or failure of your next video is determined in its first three seconds!

In your opinion, what are the best ways to start a video? I’d love to hear your thoughts/experiences in a comment below ⤵️

Rank Your Google Business Profile Higher with this Trick

I’m just going to say it:  there’s no online profile of greater importance than your Google Business Page (GBP) — that is, if you can get it to show up in front of prospective customers.

Because that’s the trick, isn’t it?—optimizing your GBP to rank on key Google Searches and/or in Google Maps:  e.g. your name, your competitors’ names, your profession, and/or the area(s) you serve.

The good news is, it isn’t too difficult. For instance, start posting videos in the “Photos” section of your Google Business Page (formerly known as “Google My Business”). Aim for once-a-week (at minimum).

Of course, keep in mind that it’ll take more than just posting videos to realize the full potential your GBP. So if you’re ready go all-in, be sure to check out these resources:

Your Google Business Page videos should adhere to the following specs:

  • Up to 30-seconds ⏱

  • At least 720p resolution 👾

  • 75MB max file size 📁

As far as video dimensions are concerned, that part’s a bit tricky since some viewers will access your content on mobile devices and others will do so on desktop computers. What’s more, some viewers will find your profile on Google Maps whereas others will locate it via Google Search. So cover your bases by publishing some vertical videos AND some horizontal videos.

Fact is, prospective customers spend extensive time looking up and assessing their available options when it comes to hiring or selecting businesses. So give ‘em more to go off of!

Just look at #TomFerry coaching member, Sean Ryan, for example:  he’s posting a handful of videos every week and is generating roughly 50,000 views a month, thereby dominating his (local) competition across Google. The results don’t lie!

And your videos don’t have to be “for Google only.” Try repurposing your social media videos, for instance:  listing video teasers, market update clips, tips and advice, behind-the-scenes content, and more.

It goes w/o saying:  the future (and present moment) of marketing is VIDEO—so get after it!

3 Ways to Repurpose Your Social Media Content

Fact is, making content is a HIGH-EFFORT activity:  researching topics, recording videos, writing captions, optimizing and distributing from platform-to-platform. There ain’t nothing easy about it -- but, on the other hand, there ain’t nothing like it either!

Today’s video is simple:  3 (easy) ideas for recycling/repurposing your content to extend the lifetime of every post, video, or graphic you publish!

  • ♻️ Repost your Reels (occasionally).

  • ➗ Edit down long-form video into snippets.

  • 😎 Make ❝quote-cards❞ or graphics out of cool things you say.

The algorithms governing social media feeds burn 🔥 through content in mere hours (days at best), and then—poof—it’s over. What’s more, your followers don’t read every caption word-for-word or watch every second of every video you put out. In addition, a sizable chunk of your followers probably weren’t your followers six months or a year ago—and I’m willing to bet most didn’t go back and forage through your old posts when they subscribed. My point is:  your content bears repeating!

Go look through my feed at past posts, for instance. You might notice that there’s somewhat of overlap under way.

  • Most of my “Tweet screenshot” posts, for instance, started out as part of some other post’s caption

  • I published a Reel last week that got more likes/engagement its second go-around than it did when I first uploaded three months ago 🤷🏻‍♂️

Truth is, none of us are publishing enough content—not even close! But that doesn’t mean you’re not actually producing enough 😉. See the difference⁇ Slice, dice, and start repurposing your posts, friends :D

3 (Easy) Tactics for More Instagram Engagement (for REALTORS)

Engagement is everything! Fact is, if your Instagram posts/stories fail to generate reactions (e.g. likes, comments, views, and so forth), from IG’s perspective, your content simply isn’t worth distributing.

Ouch! Frankly, you work entirely too hard on your content for it to end up shelved like that.

So here are 3 tactics to implement to fan the fire 🔥 of engagement on Instagram.

  1. ASK FOR IT! In your post caption try adding a call-to-action, like: “If this post hits home, please share it to your Stories.” Don’t muddle your caption with multiple asks — pick one per post: save this post, like this video, comment below, tag or share w/ a friend.

  2. It’s important to time ⏱ your posts as the bulk of your followers are logging in for the day. Instagram monitors and predicts when its users “use the app.” The trick is, you want to publish just before the crest point—i.e., just as the the majority of your followers are logging in for the day. It’s kind of like riding a wave🏄. If you jump too late, you’ll miss the wave and have to wait for the next one. If you jump too soon, the wave will crash over you 🌊. In other words, by the time your audience would’ve logged in to engage with your post, IG might’ve already called it a bad job, due to lackluster levels of engagement. Remember, more engagement (especially when it comes quickly after you publish) incentivizes Instagram to distribute your content to a broader audience.

  3. You wanna try and keep people parked on your content as long as possible. Try beefing up the substance of your captions so viewers will wanna read. Try adding subtitles/captions to your videos so, if the sound is off, for instance, viewers will continue watching nonetheless. Try posting more carousel posts whereby viewers can swipe through multiple images or videos. Point is, if your content causes a viewer to stop scrolling, that’s a win for Instagram, which means, your post is gonna get the love!

What are your best ideas for sparking engagement?

Rank Top-of-Page in YouTube Search: The "Queue-Jumper" Campaign

Here’s how to ensure your next video ranks in the top position of YouTube’s search results. I call it, the “Queue-Jumper”—as in, “cutting the line” to outrank competing videos that might normally show above yours in a given YouTube search.

For example, imagine making a video titled, “Pros and cons of moving to _____,” for instance. Odds are, a bunch of other related videos with more SEO-juice than yours are probably holding the top-ranked positions in the search results. And the trouble is, if your video doesn’t rank on the first page of results, then, for all intents and purposes, it’s invisible.

Now, before continuing on, this is a tactic intended for a fully-optimized video uploaded to your channel from which you’re expecting (or hoping for) strong organic performance — as in, lots of views for an extended period of time. And by optimized, I mean (at minimum) (A) keywords in the title, (B) tags to support those keywords, and (C) a super-clickable thumbnail.

I’ve said it before:  YouTube is a search engine; not a social network. So—YouTube 101—the fundamental objective is to identify the search terms and phrases used by would-be customers and to then make videos to supply their searches. It’s a simple concept.

To conduct YouTube keyword research, try using a tool like TubeBuddy,, or vidIQ, for instance.

**Sidebar:  I’ve compiled a list of 15 Search-Ready Real Estate Videos Titles for YouTube. Click HERE to download.**

Unfortunately, as I said before, ranking is easier said than done — especially when you’re up against more established creators. And if your video isn’t near the top of the search results, it’ll flounder and struggle to get views—which is, of course, the entire point.

Despite all that, however—if you want to elude the algorithm—then consider running a YouTube Video Discovery ad. Here are step-by-step instructions:

  1. Visit to get started.

  2. Click to begin a “New Campaign.”

  3. Choose a goal—whatever you want.

  4. Under “Campaign Type,” select “Video.”

  5. Tap “Next” to continue.

  6. Name your Campaign and disable all network placements except for YouTube Search Results.

  7. Set your bid, budget, and start/end dates for your ad.

  8. Navigate to the “Keywords” box. Enter the keywords (i.e., the search phrases) you want your video to rank on!
    **Heads up: this is the main ingredient of the tactic!**

  9. Finally, copy-and-paste the link (from YouTube) to your designated video and press GO!

Presto! Rank top-of-page, get views, and build your brand — with YouTube video discovery ads!

3 Ways to Rank in Instagram Search

3 Ways to Rank in Instagram Search 🔍

Instagram Search, located in IG’s Explore Feed, is how you find the content you’re looking for on Instagram.

Think of it like Google Search: you type in words/phrases and Insta’s Search algorithm tries to rank/list the most relevant results. For sake of clarity, the Search algorithm is totally different and distinct from the other algorithms that govern the feeds: Home, Explore, Stories, and Reels

Instagram Search is most frequently used to look up Instagram accounts and/or peruse hashtags. So, to improve your ranking, here’s what you need to prioritize:

1. Your Username: try to incorporate your real/business name, seeing as how that’s how most folks will attempt to look you up. Your account’s Display Name matters too.
2. Your Bio: embed keywords you want to rank on, such as terms relevant to your profession as well as the location where you do business.
3. Post Captions: be mindful of the words, phrases, and/or hashtags you want your post to rank on — and make sure they’re in the post caption (not its comments).

So there you go: three (3) ways to improve your Instagram “discoverability”—for your profile and posts—via Instagram Search.

BRAND Your Business Like Its Been Around 20+ Years!

More or less the same number of homes sell each and every year (give or take). Granted, there are highs-and-lows—but the differences aren’t overly extreme. For example, Statista reports:

• 2018: 5.34M, US
• 2019: 5.34M, US
• 2020: 5.64M, US
• 2021: 6.49M, US

**US median between 2005 and 2021 of 5.25M homes sold**

The more widely fluctuating statistic has to do with 𝘸𝘩𝘰 sells ‘em. Real estate has an unfortunate rate of failure—meaning, sadly, agents tend to come and go. Case in point, you might’ve heard that 87% of agents fail within the first 5 years of entering the real estate industry and it shouldn’t be a surprise that the bulk of sales are fulfilled by a relatively small subsection of agents—call it 80/20.

Numbers aside, whether you’re a rookie or old hand, 𝗕𝗥𝗔𝗡𝗗 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘀𝗲𝗹𝗳 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂’𝘃𝗲 𝗯𝗲𝗲𝗻 𝗮𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝟮𝟬 𝘆𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘀.

Ads, social media, video/content, signage, mailers, you name it -- position yourself as the AGENT-OF-CHOICE.

Because, candidly, if you’re not the 𝙖𝙜𝙚𝙣𝙩-𝙤𝙛-𝙘𝙝𝙤𝙞𝙘𝙚, you’re an 𝙖𝙜𝙚𝙣𝙩-𝙤𝙛-𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙚—and you’ve seen the stats ⤴️

Using TubeBuddy’s Keyword Explorer to Search-Optimize Your YouTube Video Titles

YouTube has a major advantage over other social platforms:  SEARCH. And that’s no surprise seeing as how it’s owned by the top-dog of all-things search, Google.

What’s more, Google and YouTube are the most popular websites on the entire planet 🌎—meaning, there’s an abundance of opportunity for viewers to discover your videos.

But the thing is, there’s a LOT of content (i.e., competition) on YouTube—so ranking on certain keywords or search phrases isn’t without difficulty. That’s why tools like TubeBuddy are so important.

If you go to review your YouTube channel’s analytics, I’ll betcha YouTube Search is a big slice of your “viewership pie.” To find out:

  • Go to

  • Tap “Analytics” on the lefthand sidebar

  • Select “Reach” listed along the top menu.

Once that section loads, scroll down and review the box titled, “Traffic Source Types.” Chances are, YouTube Search is high on the list—and if it isn’t—well, then, opportunity awaits!

Mechanics of YouTube SEO

From an SEO standpoint, YouTube lists results (i.e., videos) by order of relevance to the user’s search phrase. That means, just like Google, it’s all about keywords—specifically, the keyword(s) in your video’s title. Video tags and descriptions help too, but the primary variable is a video’s title.

So, in terms of getting your video to rank, it’s mission critical to search-optimize your video titles. To do so, you’ll need a tool like TubeBuddy, which, to utilize all the bells-and-whistles, will require a paid membership.

TubeBuddy is a browser extension/plugin that integrates directly within YouTube’s website. It works on Chrome, Firefox, or Edge.

(Looking for more content on building your YouTube Channel, click here.)

To identify your keywords, which, what I mean is, to select the most advantageous phrasing of your video’s title, you’ll use TubeBuddy’s “Keyword Explorer” tool.

For example, enter a keyword (that is, a short phrase) like “Chicago real estate”—which scores a lousy 37 out of 100 in terms of its optimization. If that was your video’s title, it’d most likely end up buried on like page 90 of the search results. In other words, nobody would ever see it!

And it’d be because, with that particular keyword, for instance, though there’s quite a bit of search volume, there are simply too many other videos using the same keyword.

Notwithstanding, if you tap either “YouTube” or “Video Topics” in the “Related Searches” box, you’ll find alternative phrasing choices. For instance, tap the “real estate in Chicago” topic, which is a variation of our keyword, and, just like that, your optimization score shoots up to 66.

Over time, as you upload one optimized video after another, you’ll grow your YouTube channel’s authority, putting you on the path of YouTube Search domination.

Download My FREE GUIDE for 15 Search-Ready Real Estate Videos.

Three Easy Video Ideas Using Your Phone (for Real Estate Agents)

3 VIDEO SHOWS you can easily filmed on your iPhone📱(or Android, I guess 🤣)

At the risk of sounding redundant (for those who follow me)—you need, at minimum, a (once-a-week) VIDEO show!

However, that statement provokes some challenging questions:

❓Should I hire (or contract) a videographer?
🎥 Do I need to buy a bunch of equipment?
🤨Am I supposed to edit my own footage?

Certainly, you could do all the above. However, IMO, if any of those steps gives rise to a steep learning curve—then by all means—remove the barriers to beginning. In other words, JUST GET STARTED! For instance:

1. Phoenix, AZ agent/team-lead, @freddelgadorealestategroup, produces an easy-to-shoot series called, “Fred Talks.” He simply records a pro-tip or a quick market insight w/ his phone, sends the recording to his video editor (a.k.a. Fiverr), who adds in background music, a bit of on-screen text, and does some lite editing, and, voilà, it’s ready to post.

2. Katie Day (@movemetotx) utilizes the “QUESTIONS” Sticker in her Stories to elicit—you guessed it—questions from her followers on various real estate-related topics. She calls it: “30-for-30” – that is, she posts one vid a day for 30 days consecutively. Katie simply uses IG’s Story Editor to video-reply to each question. Only, rather than sharing that reply to her Stories, she downloads it to her device and then posts it as an Instagram Reel. Bravo, Katie—that’s clever!

3. Finally, try filming, “What ___ get’s you in ____,” styled videos like @pixelproperties founder, @rayzorback. These types of vids perform best as Reels because—instead of trying to record one perfect take the whole way through (or something like that)—with Reels, you can film multiple clips. So, for instance, shoot an intro clip, then a handful of home-tour scenes, and finally, stitch ‘em all together using the Reels editor. Go the extra mile by overlaying some text and/or Stickers.

No more excuses! Time for you to go make some videos!

(P.S. If this video resonates w/ you, please DM it to a friend or peer.)

Repurpose Your Instagram Posts as Blogs to Build Your SEO


But hold up -- doesn’t Google penalize your site’s SEO for duplicate content? Short answer: 𝗡𝗢𝗣𝗘.

Granted, what Google does say is that if you syndicate your content across other sites (like LinkedIn Articles, for instance), it’ll rank the version it thinks is most appropriate in given search—which may or may not be the site/version you want to rank. Nonetheless, as far as your SEO is concerned, it’s no harm; no foul.

Here’s the thing though… when was the last time you saw an individual Instagram post rank in a Google Search? You didn’t! (That’s my point :D)

Sure, Instagram profiles rank all the time—but not posts. Now obviously, if any social account is set to private, then its content isn’t indexed by Google. But with Instagram, it doesn’t technically matter whether an account is set to private or public—it still doesn’t index (more or less). And the reason is because Instagram essentially shrouds its content in JavaScript, and, as a result, Google doesn’t crawl it properly.

However, other social platforms like Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and YouTube will index individual posts/videos in Google search results. (Well, mostly—it’s kind of hit or miss.)

Nevertheless—given all the effort that goes into making content for social—why not get more out of it by publishing blogs with each and every post⁉️Embed the videos, attach the images, copy/paste the caption text, and build your SEO.

Simple Instagram Algorithm Tip to Get More Reach and Engagement

Instagram deploys an algorithm to determine the Posts, Stories, IGTVs, and Reels its users see in their respective feeds. That algorithm, in general, considers the following factors:

1️⃣ Historical Relationship: IG personalizes your feed based on your past interactions w/ other IG users: Likes, Saves, Comments, Shares, Views, Swipes, Messages, etc.

2️⃣ Interest & Format Preferences: IG monitors the subjects (e.g. sports, humor, etc.) that commonly elicit your reactions (e.g. likes, saves, etc.) as well as the types of posts (e.g. stories, carousels, short, or long vids, etc.) w/ which you most frequently engage.

3️⃣ Timeliness/Recency: recently published posts and/or stories always get an extra lift—algorithmically speaking.

4️⃣ Post Popularity: posts/stories with more engagement (e.g. likes, comments, etc.) are awarded higher algorithmic priority—duh! 🙄.

Technically, IG applies different algorithms on each of its different feeds: Home, Stories, Reels, and Explore. The Reels and Explore feeds are much more interest-based. So think hashtags and location-tags by which users can discover content they care about.

The Home and Stories feeds tend to be more relationship-dependent. So here’s the simple tip: if you wanna prime your followers to see your posts/stories in their respective feeds—be the first to engage!

Go on the offense and DM them, view their stories, comment, save, like, and share their posts! Remember, reciprocity is human nature. They’ll reply to your comments, they’ll DM you back—and when they do—Instagram’s gonna prioritize your content.

Resolve to become a conversation starters and the algorithm will essentially hand you a mic 🎤 For example…

A. Reply to EVERY comment (ASAP)
B. Initiate 10+ comments a day AND share someone else’s post to your stories
C. DM-reply a “thanks for sharing!” message to anyone/everyone who shared your post to their stories.
D. Send a DM reply to anyone who interacts with a story sticker (e.g. polls, quizzes, countdowns, etc.)

NEW UPDATE!! Paid Advertising on Instagram Reels

Ads for #instagramreels! Yup—they’ve arrived!

Just like Story ad placements display in the Stories Feed, Reels ads show in the Reels Feed.

Reels are already best spot on Instagram to reach non-followers -- now multiply that with ads! 📈

To get started:

1. Open your Facebook Ads Manager and create a new campaign. FYI, not every campaign objective is enabled for Reels ads. Currently, you can select from Brand Awareness, Reach, Traffic, App Installs, Video views, or Conversions. And, bear in mind, some of those objectives often let you modify when you get charged from Impressions to a CPA (cost-per-action). Just a heads up, such options may be prohibited.

2. Follow your normal ad-setup procedures. For example, declare your Special Ad Category (e.g. Housing)—if applicable. At the Ad Set level, specify your budget, schedule, custom audiences, location parameters, and so forth.

3. When you make It to the Placements box, tap the “Manual Placements,” and uncheck everything except for the Reels destination.

4. Move on to the Ad Creative level and either choose an existing video or upload one. It needs to be a vertical (i.e. 9:16 aspect ratio) video with a runtime of up to 30 seconds.

5. Add or modify your caption and, at your choice, insert a CTA (call-to-action): “Learn More,” “Sign Up,” “Download,” et al.

6. Finally, press the Publish button and you’re all done!

Hashtag #ReelEstate (get it? 😆) — go get them views!

Simple Tips to Get More Inbound Customer Calls and Website Visits (for Real Estate Agents)

Let’s be candid: the home buying/selling process begins on Google.

  • “Best real estate agent in {CITY}”

  • “Selling a {CITY} home in 2021”

  • “Homes for sale nearby”

On-and-on the queries go. And these days Google’s doubling-down on 𝗹𝗼𝗰𝗮𝗹-𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘀𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗰𝗵𝗲𝘀. Whenever Google infers a searcher is looking for something (geographically) local:

🏧 Nearby ATM
🌮 Delicious tacos
🏡 Resident REALTOR®

… it’ll display Google My Business (GMB) listings. And whether that search goes down on or via Google Maps, it’s all fueled by GMB.

(My point being, if you’re not currently treating your GMB with the utmost care—suffice it to say—you oughta 😇.)

Today’s video is concentrated on ONE simple (and critical) step to greatly improving your GMB’s performance -- as in more clicks and calls! That step: PHOTOS 📸.

In fact, a (relatively) recent BrightLocal study found that GMBs w/ 100+ photos produced 520% more inbound, customer calls AND generated 1,065% more website clicks. So add away :D

  1. Vary your images: headshots, lifestyle photos, behind-the-scenes, in-the-field, with-your-team, listings and more!

  2. Kindly ask key customers if they’d be willing to upload a photo of your biz. Those photos get marked as, “By customer.”

  3. While there’s debate over what underlying data Google does or doesn’t consider SEO-wise, I’d recommend pulling all the stops nonetheless: keyword-titling the file name, adding geo-tags and ALT text (**here’s a video guide to reference:, and, once the image is uploaded in GMB, list its category: “at work” or “team.” IMO, the more you give Google, the more it gives you!

  4. GMB photos crop/format differently depending on where viewed: mobile VS. desktop, maps VS. search. So upload some photos in landscape and others with square dimensions.

  5. Google decides which photo to display as your, quote-unquote, “Profile Image.” That said, you can mark the pic you prefer as your listing’s “Cover.” There’s no guarantee it’ll always display as your primary image, but it should get some amount of prioritization. You can also designate a “Logo.”

  6. Last thing: get your GMB verified.